Recently on Relevant Radio, Robert Spencer, of Jihad Watch and Fr. Steward Swetland of Donnelly College had a debate over whether or not Islam is a religion of peace. Fr. Swetland arguing the affirmative, Robert Spencer arguing the negative.
Regardless of the fact that Fr. Swetland was K.O.'d by Mr. Spencer, in follow-up comments, Fr. Swetland has now said that Catholics are bound by religious assent to believe that Islam is a religion of peace because Pope Francis and some other bishops have said so.
Here is the debate: youtube.com/watch?v=TvTneiqT3kA
Here is Mr. Spencer’s reporting of Fr. Swetland’s follow-up comments in full. jihadwatch.org/2016/08/is-there-room-in-the-catholic-church-for-those-who-dont-believe-islam-is-a-religion-of-peace?doing_wp_cron=1471211680.4314041137695312500000
The question here is NOT whether or not Islam is a religion of peace. The question is: do we as Catholics owe “religious assent” to the Pope’s statements about the beliefs about another religion? Is this faith and morals, or is this personal opinion?
Do you believe Fr. Swetland is out of bounds (wrong) for saying that Catholics, who do not believe Islam is a religion of peace, are schismatic?
I’m interested in the discussion.
God Bless,
Poor Knight
Holy Father: Reinstate the Templar!
Regardless of the fact that Fr. Swetland was K.O.'d by Mr. Spencer, in follow-up comments, Fr. Swetland has now said that Catholics are bound by religious assent to believe that Islam is a religion of peace because Pope Francis and some other bishops have said so.
Here is the debate: youtube.com/watch?v=TvTneiqT3kA
Here is Mr. Spencer’s reporting of Fr. Swetland’s follow-up comments in full. jihadwatch.org/2016/08/is-there-room-in-the-catholic-church-for-those-who-dont-believe-islam-is-a-religion-of-peace?doing_wp_cron=1471211680.4314041137695312500000
The question here is NOT whether or not Islam is a religion of peace. The question is: do we as Catholics owe “religious assent” to the Pope’s statements about the beliefs about another religion? Is this faith and morals, or is this personal opinion?
Do you believe Fr. Swetland is out of bounds (wrong) for saying that Catholics, who do not believe Islam is a religion of peace, are schismatic?
I’m interested in the discussion.
God Bless,
Poor Knight
Holy Father: Reinstate the Templar!