Do You "Advertise" Your Pro-Life Beliefs?

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Hi there! I have always been very against abortion. I know that many states now offer a “Choose Life” license plate. I hate to admit that I really want to get one, but I hesitate because I am afraid people with opposing views may vandalize my car. I have also been wanting to buy some “anti-abortion”/“pro-life” bumper stickers for my car, but I am not sure if I should dare to do that.

I am very openly prolife, and I have NO problems debating the issues of abortion with people in person. However, I am not sure if I am brave enough to go around announcing my views to the entire world by having a “Choose Life” license plate or prolife bumper stickers on my car. It really isn’t about embarrassment. I am more afraid of how strangers may act towards me and my personal property.

How do you feel about this? Do you have bumper stickers or prolife license plates on your vehicles?

I was a little nervous too when I first put the bumper sticker on my car but actually the only comments I’ve gotten were positive ones. I have “Smile: You mom chose Life” on one car, and “Pro Woman, Pro Child, Pro-life” on the other. Personally I like positive messages.
Yes, I would probably be braver putting prolife(positive) bumper stickers on my car rather than anti-abortion(negative) ones.

However, there is one bumper sticker I have seen around town lately that I like that says:

" You can’t be both Catholic and Pro-Choice."

I like the one that has a drawing of a little fur seal saying “Save the baby humans”. 🙂

But I never put any knd of bumper stickers on my car, anyway.
Sometimes I say “I am pro-choice. The child’s choice.”

I often end up preaching natural law on agnostics.
We have a “Life is a Precious Gift” bumper sticker on our car. I also have a pro-life pin on my purse. 🙂
I wear the prolife braclet put out by the diocese of St Louis. (It is like the yellow Lance Armstrong ones, but is bright blue and says PROLIFE). A bit different in the sense that it is not on my car or other posession that someone who did not agree with me could vandalize. It HAS prompted a few conversations with people I might not otherwise discuss my views with. I see your point about the license plate/bumper sticker…not sure how I would feel about that either.

This is my first post here, so I hope I do it right.

I advertise my pro-life beliefs whenever and where ever possible. My friends call my car the “Conservative Mobile” because I have over 15 bumper stickers on the back of my car, including the back window and my two rear passenger windows! All of them are pro-life or anti-abortion, except two of them, my W '04 sticker and one for the local Catholic radio station. I am a college student, and i just LOVE the looks I get driving around campus.

My car has only been “vandalized” once, someone egged it while it was parked in my parent’s driveway, however, I don’t know if it was b/c of the stickers, or because it was a bunch of goofy kids. At the time I only had about 5 bumper stickers on my car. Also, when I first started putting bumper stickers on, the first few were ripped off my car. But since I have reached “full capacity” space-wise, I haven’t had any problems with people taking them off or vandalizing my car. I guess they figured they can’t hold me back. And they’re right 🙂
We finally got a Choose Life license plate here in Florida, especially when we heard that pro-abortion groups were trying to challenge its constitutionality. I have become more outspoken about abortion and take a lot of heat for it, particularly at work. As they say, if we’re not livin’ on the edge, we’re takin’ up too much room. 😃
As I use a company car, I cannot put such plates on it. However, for the elections, I taped bumperstickers to my windows advertising “Vote for Life.” If I did not have a company car, I would have a license plate as well as a thought provolking bumper sticker.
I’ve had a “choose life” plate on my mini van for a year next month…I have had no problems at all.

I also have a pink and blue ribbon magnet that says “God is Pro-Life” with baby’s feet in the center.

I thinking sticking to bumper stickers that are postive are better for the Pro-Life movement. Like “Pray to end Abortion”… “We love them Both”…“Save the baby Humans” with the baby seal is real cute…and “Children are a Gift from God”…These are all my favorties.

I also sometimes wear my “Pro-Life MOM” t-shirt in public. Actually, no one has said a word to me about it. I am 6 months pregnant now, and have actually thought about purchasing one of those t-shirts that says…“I Did Not Have An Abortion”…wonder what would happen?
I went online and found a bunch of neat abortion/prolife bumper stickers. Some are pretty negative and I’d be scared to put them on my car, but I think they make a good point anyway. Here are some I liked from the website:
  • Abortion: A Doctor’s Right To Make A Killing
-Abortion doesn’t make you “UN” pregnant. It makes you the mother of a dead baby!

-One Abortion: One Dead, One Wounded

-Abortion? What Part of Thou Shalt Not Kill Don’t You Understand?

-Choosy Mothers Choose LIFE

-Half of the patients who enter ABORTION CLINICS DON’T COME OUT ALIVE!

-Abortion? Pick on Someone YOUR OWN SIZE

-I’m a Survivor of the American Holocaust ( Roe V. Wade 1,400,000 Killed Yearly)

-If It’s Not a baby…You’re NOT pregnant

-Real Doctors Don’t Kill Babies

-I think…Therefore I’m Pro-Life!

-Only BIG BABIES are Pro-Choice

-Blacks Didn’t Choose Slavery
Jews Didn’t Choose Genocide
Babies Don’t Choose Abortion

-U Can’t B Both
Catholic & Pro-Choice

-40 Million Aborted. Who’s Missing From Your Neighborhood?

-How Come America? We BRAKE for ANIMALS, We SAVE the SEALS, and we PROTECT the WHALES, BUT We Murder Our Unborn

-How Much Does An Abortion Cost? ONE HUMAN LIFE!

These are just a few of the ones I found online that I had never seen before.

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