Do you believe in Purgatory?

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When going through R.C.I.A., I found the concept of Purgatory to be the most sensible and comforting “Catholic” doctrine of all. It really pushed me over the edge of the Tiber.
I do believe in Purgatory, but am having trouble grasping the concept of “doing one’s Purgatory on Earth.” I understand offering up one’s sufferings. However, if a soul goes to Purgatory for cleansing, isn’t it only the spirit that suffers, whereas on Earth there is physical suffering as well.
If one does not believe in Purgator wouldn’t they be Catholic in Name Only (CINO)?
I tried to tell my SIL who is a OSAS christian that when she dies that she will need to be purified before entering heaven and that place of purification is Purgatory she told me she didn’t believe in Purgatory and that she will always be a sinner and that she will go to heaven. I don’t understand how someone can think that they can enter heaven with sin on their soul. I found that rather scary because she is truely being led away from the truth. I also ask her why she believes her pastor over me not that I am a scholar I am just a practicing catholic, she believes him because he is ordained.Not a real good answer IMO. Purgatory is so hard for some people and yet so refreshing to others who would otherwise be dammed. If I were a betting person I would go with what has been taught for centuries just in case. Either way I will get to heaven and isn’t that the objective.

God Bless
I do believe in Purgatory, but am having trouble grasping the concept of “doing one’s Purgatory on Earth.” I understand offering up one’s sufferings. However, if a soul goes to purgatory for cleansing, isn’t it only the spirit that suffers, whereas on Earth there is physical suffering as well.
It simply means willingly undergoing that purification on earth. It means not being content with spiritual mediocrity, and diligently working to amend your way of life. Ultimately, the only thing we have to offer to God is our free will, and by devoting ourselves to our own sanctification, we are giving that to God. Also, souls in purgatory cannot gain merit. You can wait until after death to be purified BY God, but that purification will not gain you any merit. If you seek to be purified by God here on earth, you will merit more glory in heaven. That is, speaking analogically, by seeking sanctity in this life, the cup that is your soul becomes bigger–meaning, that you can “have more of God” in the world to come. And that, ultimately, is the motive that underlies all meritorious works. By seeking to purify your soul, you are saying to God, "I want my soul to be as beautiful as possible for You when You see fit to call me home. That’s what it means to “do your purgatory on earth”–it means making your entire life an offering to God.
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