Do you believe...

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There is life on other planets? To believe that we are the only living beings in the universe is quite closed minded, no? I mean, I’m thinking if there is life on other planets that of course God created them too?
There is life on other planets? To believe that we are the only living beings in the universe is quite closed minded, no? I mean, I’m thinking if there is life on other planets that of course God created them too?
An even more interesting question is, If there is life on another planet did they fall from Grace? Did the Eve of another world reject the serpent? If so, what’s stopping them from eternal happiness. They would be well advised to avoid this planet.

I think life on other planets is possible. I too wonder if they passed the test that Adam and Eve failed.
I think it is possible but I also believe that God could have created the whole universe just for us. We do know that thier is one other place that is inhabited called heaven. God Bless
There is life on other planets? To believe that we are the only living beings in the universe is quite closed minded, no? I mean, I’m thinking if there is life on other planets that of course God created them too?
It isn’t really a matter of being closed minded or not – either there is other life out there or or there is not. The real questions are, practically speaking: is it possible? Are there any places that can support any type of life? It is probable or likely? Is God’s creation on earth a result of such a unique series of factors that the odds are against it happening? So far we haven’t seen any hard (as opposed to speculative) evidence of either.

For the record, I think it would really cool if we even even found extremely primitive life forms or even conditions that wouldn’t rule it out.
God can do anything. Anything is possible. That includes life on other planets. Maybe even intelligent life in a different image of God.
The question of Do you believe if there is life on other planets? brought more questions to my mind than for me to be able to give an answer.

If there were life on other planets, would it be similar to us? Would God place on these planets also creatures who have been created in His image? They would have to be, don’t you think so? What if they had to pass a test, just as Adam and Eve, and failed? Would each planet be redeemed in a similar fashion when God sent his Son to earth, and does this Son have to undergo each time another agonizing death?

I guess all sorts of questions could be raised using parallel analogies with Planet Earth’s history of mankind’s redemption as a basis.

Does anyone would like to speculate? My last question: Why has God never revealed anything about life on other planets? Or has He?
i think there probably is life on other planets but probably far enough away from us that we’ll never get there until after we die and go to heaven. The universe is going to be so interesting to us. i can’t wait!!

all for JESUS!!
Since I’ve been a sci-fi buff for decades, and I’m also an amateur astronomer, this question fascinates me. Obviously the Bible has nothing to say about that (although some interpret John 10:16, where Jesus talks about having other sheep that are not of this sheep fold, as referring to extra-terrestrial life; I take the more tradition interpretation that He’s talking about the Gentiles).

Knowledge in the field of astronomy is exploding, so much so that I believe we are now learning more in five minutes than was learned in the hundreds of years between Ptolemy and Copernicus. One of the most fascinating discoveries over the past 5-6 years is planets around other stars; the count is up to about 150 now. It’s looking like planets around stars is more the rule now than the exception, and where there are planets, one has to consider the question of life on those planets.

There are two ways to look at this question–the materialist/evolutionary way (which I do not hold), and the theistic/creationist way (which I do hold).

First of all, for a materialist, given the projected existence of billions of planets, to claim that this is the only planet that life could appear and develop on would be silly.

But what about the theist/creationists, who hold that man was created in God’s image? Look at God–infinite, all those omni’s. Now look at humanity–flawed, sinful, limited–the list of negative adjectives could go on and on. Is it possible that broken humanity is the only possible way for the creation of an intelligent, material-based living race in the image of God? I think a positive answer to that question is equally silly, and also quite arrogant.

The best line I’ve heard on this subject was when the character Elly Arroway in the movie Contact asked her father this same question. His answer was that if there aren’t others out there, then it seems like an awful waste of space.

On the other hand, it’s God’s space to waste, if He wants to. If He wanted to create billions of galaxies and quintillions of stars just so we could look at them and go “WOW!!!”, then that’s His business.

My feeling is that there’s probably a 50% chance that we are not alone. I also feel that it’s possible that there are races out there that have not fallen into sin. We need to put up a sign warning them away.

I enjoy reading about astronomy. I’m no proffesor but I know that the numbers involved are staggering and even if there is very much life out there, the chances are slim we would cross paths.

Except in isolated wooded areas where moonshine is availible, there are usually 2 -3 sightings a week.
Michael C:
I enjoy reading about astronomy. I’m no proffesor but I know that the numbers involved are staggering and even if there is very much life out there, the chances are slim we would cross paths.
Quite true, unless someone digs up a star-gate in Egypt or something like that 😉

Except in isolated wooded areas where moonshine is availible, there are usually 2 -3 sightings a week.

Haven’t you heard? Down here in the sticks moonshine is out. Meth and pot are in. 😛

Life on other planets is certainly possible. After all, the universe is a very big place. One interesting question would be: Do they likewise need a Redeemer, like earth did?

Gerry 🙂
I believe it’s very likely, and having read Lewis’s books Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength I have some idea of what could be. It’s a nice thought. Still the stupid aliens never do stop by to even say “Hi”.
Church Militant:
I believe it’s very likely, and having read Lewis’s books Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength I have some idea of what could be. It’s a nice thought. Still the stupid aliens never do stop by to even say “Hi”.
Maybe they’re taking seriously the “QUARANTINED! KEEP OUT!” signs orbiting out beyond Pluto in the Oort Cloud 😛

There is life on other planets? To believe that we are the only living beings in the universe is quite closed minded, no? I mean, I’m thinking if there is life on other planets that of course God created them too?
I think that God created life only on earth. I do not see why God would create beings on several planets with no contact with eachother. I do not believe there is intelligent life out there on other planets.

Even if I was an atheist and professed evolution and the big bang theory, I would still believe we are the only ones. Life is far too complex to evolve from nothing once let alone twice or three times or more.
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