Do you guys think she doesn't wanna see me?

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so i havent seen this girl in a long time & i was at work and i went out to the lobby and i saw the girl i used to liked back in high school sitting at the table with her boyfriend i guess she was waiting for her food at the table because i saw her looking over at the front counter when i went out to the lobby and saw her though i stood there looked at her from afar but i looked away and went back to work.but now i keep seeing her boyfriend picking up food for the both of them at the place i work at soo i guess she doesnt wanna see me so she makes her bf go there and pick up the food for the both of them there.
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Maybe if high school was a long time ago, she doesn’t recognize you or remember you. Or maybe it has nothing to do with you at all. Maybe her boyfriend buys her lunch, so he goes and picks it up for her because he likes to pay for it himself.
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we graduated back in 2016 lol but yeah i just thought she doesnt wanna go there anymore because of that one time i saw her and i just stood there and looked at her but then looked away. maybe she got creeped out because of that so maybe thats why i keep seeing her bf picking up food for the both of them there lol
You worry too much. She’s probably not thinking about you at all frankly. For all you know her boyfriend is just trying to be a gentleman by getting her food. Maybe she does not want to strike up a convo with you because she does not want to make her boyfriend jealous. The point is there can be any number of reasons why she is not getting her own food. No need to take it personally when you do not know the real reason why.

Even if she is avoiding you, so what? Not everyone is gonna like you, or me or anyone.

Here is a Life lesson, don’t stare at people. They almost certainly won’t like it and women have to worry about predators so it’s worse for them. It comes off as creepy.
true but idk why i still think about this cause this happend last year lol. but this also happend last year too when i went out with my friends to the mall. so she was also there shopping with her bf and i guess she saw me there and was talking about me to him because when i turn around i saw him looking at me but then he looked away. i bet she told him theres that guy who kept on staring at me back in high school lol.
Well, now you know. Don’t stare at people lol. Don’t sweat it. It’s happened to a lot of people. Myself included. Chances are you will get a girlfriend eventually and forget about it. I once tried to hit on a girl at the mall only to be laughed at. Then ran into her again next week at the mall only to hear her yell loudly “That’s him!!!” In front of all her friends and mine while I walked away to the sound of laughter ringing in my ears. Late teens/early twenties can be awkward times when it comes to the opposite sex.
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so you think she doesnt wanna see me so thats why i keep seeing her bf picking up food for the both of them there
so you think she doesnt wanna see me so thats why i keep seeing her bf picking up food for the both of them there
How do you know he’s picking up food for both of them? Maybe he just really likes the food there and stops often to get himself something to eat.
Dude, what part of “She has a boyfriend” do you not understand?

This girl is with another guy and doesn’t seem to have given you any indication that she’s interested in you at all.

Let it go already. If she should break up with her boyfriend, or decide to see other people, you can ask her out and find out directly if she wants to see you.
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i guess she saw me there and was talking about me to him because when i turn around i saw him looking at me but then he looked away.
Get some counseling. I’m serious. You think people are looking at you funny and talking about you. You have some anxiety going on here.

You don’t know they were looking at you or talking about you. That is a story you made up in your head.

And moreover— who cares? But you’ve been doing about this in your head for over a year. It’s time to talk to someone professionally about what is underlying this anxiety and fixation.
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How long is a long time? If it’s from high school then she probably doesn’t remember you and I don’t think that she’s sending her boyfriend up to avoid you. What was your relationship like with her in high school? Did you get along great? Were you cordial? Did you talk at all? If nothing bad happened between you in high school, then it might be all in your head. The mind sometimes spins things that aren’t there or reads into things that don’t exist.

Maybe she just doesn’t want to get the food. I would approach her and say hi. And gauge her reaction to you. If she appears normal than maybe she’s not avoiding you but I would first think back to how you two interacted in high school if at all. Or maybe she just honestly does not remember you. I don’t remember some of the people I went to high school with and I still once in a great while don’t remember people I’ve met. I wouldn’t read too much into it. There’s probably a simply explanation for it.
yea. but idk why i still think about this cause this happend last year lol. but this also happend last year too when i went out with my friends to the mall. so she was also there shopping with her bf and i guess she saw me there and was talking about me to him because when i turn around i saw him looking at me but then he looked away. i bet she told him theres that guy who kept on staring at me back in high school lol.
It sounds as if you have an obsession with this woman that is at least bordering on mental illness! Please…if you can’t let go, get help. If you start stalking her, you could get into serious legal trouble. You don’t need this!
so she was also there shopping with her bf and i guess she saw me there and was talking about me to him because when i turn around i saw him looking at me but then he looked away. i bet she told him theres that guy who kept on staring at me back in high school lol.
Again: making up things in your head is not the same as reality. “They looked at me funny” is paranoia.
How long ago were you in high school? That would give some creedence to her avoiding you if you were in high school not that long ago.
Oh, ok. I didn’t see that. Haha. So if it’s recent she might still have memories of him staring at her in high school.
So, yeah, OP, maybe she doesn’t want to see you. Now just leave it alone.
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