Do you hate the sins of others more than your own sins?

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Dear friends

Do you dwell on and hate the sins of other people more than you reflect on and hate your own sins?

Thank you in advance for voting and for expressing your thoughts and feelings on this.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

i should hope not! i do not want to be blind to the beam in my own eye.
I guess when I am confronted with a serious sin, such as murder, rape, extreme cruelty, torture, terrorism, and any number of sins I have never been tempted to commit, by witness or report, I momentarily hate such sins more than my own (while not for a second denying my own sinfulness, unworthiness, or complete need for God’s mercy) because of my empathy for the victims of such sins.

However, I also feel tremendous pity for the sinners and usually feel compelled to pray for them, reminding myself that there but by the grace of God go I,

I also frequently pray for the forgiveness of those who have hurt me, remembering that I will be forgiven in the same way that I have forgiven.

In another sense, I hate all sin equally because sin impedes the soul’s progress to God. In this sense I never hate anyone else’s sin more than my own.

I never hate sinners when hating sin. That qualification is important. I desire heaven for myself and everyone else. I do this because I desire God’s mercy and cannot ask it for myself if I wish that it be denied to others. I also do it because I see the same human weakness from with which I struggle in all people. This moves me to love others and have compassion on them, no matter how sinful they are, and greatly desire their salvation.
I’ve been through phases.

Normal operation: I normally don’t hate others’ sins hardly at all, unless they directly affect me as a victim. When I see others sin toward me, I often look to myself to find what I might have done to drive them to do it. As a last resort, if I just can’t find a way to blame myself, I finally deduce the other person is a jerk. :tsktsk:

There was a period in my life where it seemed I was fighting everybody, and I literally stayed up nights writing letter after letter to various people involved, drafting each one many times to make sure I showed the other person to be a terrible fool and myself very righteous and justified for speaking so. I ended up going psycho for a while after that, so I highly recommend not dwelling on others’ faults night and day. :whacky:

i actually hate my own more, because those are the only ones that keep me away from God.
I hate mortal sins more than venial ones, whoever commits them.
i actually hate my own more, because those are the only ones that keep me away from God.
i agree 100%, and de colores to you
Good God no. I’d go stark-raving mad if I did.
My own sins are the only ones that drive me to tears.
i try to worry little about the sins of others (i said try)…

my timbers make their splinters less interesting…
I think it is easy to not see the plank… cast the first stone. It is just so much easier than admitting your own faults, and I think most people do it from time to time.

Who hasn’t succumbed to “well, at least I didn’t do…”? Come on, no body ever casts a little self righteous snear at the sight of someone going to communion who is not so disposed? I have caught myself doing that. “What’s she doing, she hasn’t gotten an annulment?” It’s ugly.

The Holy Spirit will oft put thoughts in my head like, “And how long has it been since I’ve been to confession?”
Naturally, it’s easier to condemn someone else’s sin than condemn one self.
Of course, since while others sin, I merely “transgress” a tad here and there.

Naturally, it’s easier to condemn someone else’s sin than condemn one self.
How true is this. Many people rather comment on another’s dirty laundry then to see the stains on themselves.
I usually hate my own sins more than other people’s similar sins. For example, I hate lying so much that I haven’t told even a ‘white’ lie in over six months, but I’m not really angry when someone else lies, unless the lie is malicious in intent. I just figure that my own sins are more likely to be eradicated by my anger than other people’s sins.
If I sin it affects my relationship with God and it is the same when someone else sins. So why should I worry about what someone else does, it won’t affect my relationship with God. I have a mirror in my bathroom and the only person I see, is myself, and should only be conserned with what I do. 👍
I find I get quite angry at those who are committing the sins which I have laboriously conquered in myself. I’m laboring on conquering this one, too! It’s gotten a lot better over time.
Dear friends

Do you dwell on and hate the sins of other people more than you reflect on and hate your own sins?

Thank you in advance for voting and for expressing your thoughts and feelings on this.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I voted no. I cannot judge others who sin when my own sins are just as grave as theirs. That is only for God to decide. I only focus on the ones that I have committed, and urge others to try and not fall into sin.

An interesting note relating to the Sermon on the Mount, (specifically “blessed are those who mourn…”), it is unanimous amongst the Doctors of the Church that this is in reference to the mourning of your sins because they cut you off from God’s grace and therefore the death of the soul. The Doctors of the Church go on to state that the highest form of this is to mourn for other peoples’ sins.
Dear friends

Do you dwell on and hate the sins of other people more than you reflect on and hate your own sins?

Thank you in advance for voting and for expressing your thoughts and feelings on this.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Good question 👍 I think we’re supposed to worry about our own sins. But a lot of people prefer to think about the faults of others, including me at times.

Yes, I hate my faults and shortcomings. Sometimes it’s depressing to be me. 😦 I’m so pathetically inclined to repeat the same sins, and I’m sick of this life at times! 😦
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