Do you have a Catholic/prolife bumper sticker on your car?

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I’m not a fan of bumper stickers as a general principal (simply because they are difficult to remove when the time comes to trade in the vehicle).

I have some window clings on the inside of my car windows for my collegiate alma maters, one of which is a Catholic school. I also have one that says “Our Catholic Faith: Know It, Live It, Share It.” I’ve never received any comments on them.
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I can’t put any stickers on my car because I lease.

However, I was led to Catholic radio by seeing someone else’s bumper sticker, so this form of evangelization really does work 🙂
I had a prolife bumper sticker on my car once
and a couple of times got negative looks.
I have found a source for magnetic strips.

Apply the sticker to the magnet, then apply the magnet to the car.
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Apply the sticker to the magnet, then apply the magnet to the car.
That’s a good idea.

I’ve sometimes toyed with the idea of getting two bumper stickers that are contradictory in the minds of many. Like put the “Coexist” sticker on one side, and the Jesus 'Truth" fish on the other. 😁 I don’t think I’d ever actually do that, though.
I no longer put any bumper sticker of any kind on my car. I see most bumper stickers as simply invitations to vandalism of your car (or worse yet, attacks on your person). The handful that are neutral are not worth the hassle of having to scrape them off your car or deal with them when they start looking old and worn.
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