Originally Quoted by Dismas2004:
I have no words, but can only offer up my prayers and a link. The link is to a Catholic Home Study service that has a book called the Search for Happiness. It helped me while in prison, the arm pit of the earth, and I was happy. Surely, it may be of help to you. Take care and May God Bless You because He Loves you!
Yes, thank you for your prayers. I checked out the site. It looks like they offer some pretty good correspondence courses. I have things to do right now, but I’ll take a look at it by late December, after school lets out.
Originally Quoted by Sola:
Madaglen, when you say you have a constant desire to die, are you talking about suicidal impulses? Please do not hurt yourself!!!
No, I do not have suicidal impulses. It’s more like a nonchalant feeling. If someone put a gun to my head and threatened to shoot me, I probably wouldn’t be too concerned.
Originally Quoted by Sola:
It sounds like you are in a depression, perhaps caused by the hell that you say broke loose a few years ago, or perhaps it’s been creeping up on you. There is help for depression, medical and psychological.
Do you feel like talking to your priest or your doctor? Is there something you’d like to talk about here?
Yes, it is a depression. The doctor said that it wasn’t major, manic or bipolar depression; but that it is chronic. The depression both has been creeping up on me as well as a series of events which seemed to turn my emotional switch off. I have spoken with two priests about this–although only through online and on the phone, not in person, since they live a state away. They have recommended some things for me. I’ve been to a few doctors. They gave me some medicines about a year and an half ago, but those only made me feel worse and I’m almost certain they deepened the depression. I stopped them about a year ago.
Originally Quoted by kmmd:
I don’t know if this will help, but here is my two cents:
I became much happier when I learned that we were not really meant to be happy in this life. We are strangers in a strange land. Aliens here on earth when our real home is in heaven and we won’t really be happy until we get there.
Instead of trying to be happy, I work on getting to heaven*.**
Thank you for your advice. We are not meant to be happy in this life; nor were we meant to be completely miserable. I know that my life isn’t going to be perfect as things are perfect in heaven. It’s just that most people have things to look forward to, even if they are interspersed amongst days of turmoil. Especially at my age. I’m 21 (22 in Dec.). I feel extremely lonely on campus. I am a member of Newman Club, but it is small, and the people aren’t really interested in learning more about the Catholic faith (it’s more of a social club). Other issues which really bother me are: 1) Seeing everyone around me making plans for getting married, when I haven’t even had a girlfriend yet; 2) Not knowing what I’m going to be doing after I graduate this Dec. I’m finding my present English major fairly unrewarding; 3) Problems with school (some problems learning); 4) Social anxiety
I don’t know how to explain how I feel. I don’t really feel anything. I used to be very hard working; but now I almost don’t care for my studies. Just everything seems so black. No positive emotions; no really memorable experiences past few years. I try to do cognitive thinking when I think bad thoughts–I try to make good out of the best of my situation. But it’s really hard when you have no friends to talk with for days on end–sometimes speaking only 30 words a day or so. I know that you’re going to tell me to join clubs, but I’ve done that. I have problems connecting with the other people for some reason. Maybe it’s just this college.
(continued next post)