Do you have a personal relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

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A question to ponder and share on if you like.

:hmmm: Do you have a personal relationship with each person of the Holy Trinity? Is it easier to relate to one person than the others? Any difficulties relating to any of them? :hmmm:

Pray on it and share your experiences.
Actually I do have a personal relationship with all! The Spirit being the last …
I thank the Charismatic Renewal for that…the real blessing that came out off it for me. Praise God, Annunciata:)
Yes I do have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. To me it seems to be easier or more natural to talk to the Holy Spirit about every-day things. I think I am wrong to be slow to “talk” to God the Father and to Jesus - they seem to be more distant than the Holy Spirit. But I do ask Our Lady and a personal Saint to ask Jesus for my intentions to be granted. Maybe this is because Jesus said He would send a “comforter” - The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit helps me find lost items. The prayers of St. Ignatias have helped my sons.
hmmm. Interesting question. I guess I adore each differently. While at Adoration I tend to address my prayers to Jesus. In my daily troubles and problem solving, I tend to address to the Holy Spirit.

I think of the Holy Spirit as my trouble shooter and fireman - where he can spot my problems, show me them and help solve them ( usually in crisis mode).

Jesus is who I can turn to for complaints and requests. I talk to Him like he is next to me.

God I view as my general contractor - in charge of the whole thing and doles out assignments, help and graces as He sees fit - since He is the one who knows all.
I’ve got a great relationship with all three.

In fact, I stop by their place pretty regularly for supper. 😉

In fact, I stop by their place pretty regularly for supper. 😉
😃 Me too…
Dear Friends

There is NO wrong answer to this as all three are God as one but manifest as three bodies to come to you so that you should know your Heavenly Parent, God. God is not a jealous God on this matter, if you have a relationship with Jesus, you have a relationship with God, if you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit you have a relationship with God and if you have a relationship with God the Father, you have a relationship with God. Some people prefer to pray to individual persons of the Holy Trinity, some only focus on one/two or three persons of the trinity, some pray to them all directing prayers to the truine God, by praying to ‘God’…any of these is RIGHT.

Personally, I pray to God the Holy Trinity as a whole. I also pray to Jesus, my brother, my Lord, King and Saviour. I also pray to God my Father, my heart and Love, my Creator and sustinance. I also pray to the Holy Spirit, my Guide and Counsellor, my Aid and Spouse of my soul. I cannot totally seperate them out as persons without considering the whole, because all are fully God, but they are also persons of the Holy trinity to me, when I think of God the Father, I think of His son Jesus and when I think of each in turn it leads me to think of them as a whole. They are seperate but inseperable and inseperable from me. I can see how each person of the Holy Trinity has aided my life and sustained it from it’s very origin, which is God the Father.

I have a personal relationship with God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Holy Trinity is a mystery of faith we can never fully understand until death and we receive the Beatific Vision, but it gives the heart great joy to ponder the wonder of God and His Truine existance, calling upon the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts, minds and spirits in this unending search for total truth.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I try to with each of the three as well as the whole.

Jesus is the one in whom I share most of my sufferings with uniting them with his sacrifice.

God the Father I turn to most in his parential role asking him for his help and protection.

The Holy Spirit & I discuss spiritual matters quite often.

In more formal prayer, I tend to turn to the whole Trinity.
When we pray we often pray to God the Father and Jesus, but we talk less to the Holy Spirit, except “Holy Spirit guide us”. Then sometime we feel like we have relationship with The Father and Jesus, but the Holy Spirit is a little bit “mysterious”…

Just to deepen our understanding about “personal relationship with God” : who is the Holy Spirit ?

Our relation with God the Father from whom we receive our “sonship” because of Jesus IS THE HOLY SPIRIT.

So if we understand and believe that-- in Jesus Name-- God is our Father , then we have the Holy Spirit in us.

We have personal relationship with God, if :
  • we address God as Father
  • in the NAME OF JESUS
The 2 points above IS THE HOLY SPIRIT.

This is to deepen our understanding about “personal relationship with God” as to how it is so-related to the Holy Sprit.

So when we pray, we address God as FAther in the Name of Jesus : because we receive sonship only in the name of Jesus. And because of this, we can address God as Father. This Father-son relationship we have because of Jesus : This INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP is the Holy Spirit .

So if we pray to the Father in Jesus Name, we pray in the Holy Spirit. The Lord’s prayer “Our Father in Heaven…” is the prayer of The Holy Spirit. We are praying the Holy Spirit prayer everytime we address God as Father.

This is the INTIMATE relationship with God : to know that God loves me, so that I call Him “Daddy” and I ask Him everything I need as if I were a little girl “adoring” her daddy as her “only hero”. I try to do whatever He asks me because He loves me so much : so I love Him too. It’s not like an adult’s love : bitter with disappointments, yet try to love, and end up loving bitterly. No! Instead, we love because He has loved me first! So only those who know His Love can truly love.

1 John 4:19
We love, because He first loved us.

The relationship is so intimate because of what Jesus has done for me in my life ----> Just like all relationship, our relationship with God grows according to our daily walk with Him. It requires a journey of faith to come to an intense intimate relationship.

God bless.
Dearest Fransica

Your post is beautiful, full of truth and beautiful.

It is the Holy Spirit that moves us and takes us to Mass every time we go, it is the Holy Spirit that makes us even able to say the name ‘Jesus’ in love.

You are very right and true in what you have said and it is a beautiful post full of love of God our Father.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you.

I would say I have the most “personal” relationship with God the father. But I also should add something WONDERFUL that father John Corapi mentioned in his Catechism series. He said that where one person of the Trinity is, there they all are. So if you have a personal relationship with one person of the Trinity, then you have a personal relationship with ALL persons of the Trinity. I LOVER that!
Great question. Yes, I do have a relationship with each. Up until about a year or 2 ago, before I was confirmed, I didn’t know/feel the Holy Spirit, but now I do. To me, the Holy Spirit is an embracable love that I feel during meditation. Jesus is my best friend and I feel him walk with my during the day and I converse with him often throughout the day. The child in me prayers to God the Father because he is whom I’ve learned about since I could talk. It’s like I’m “God’s little girl” and he is the one I can always count on when I feel I’m really lost. I do pray to the Holy Trinity too. For me, that’s the most powerful.
Dearest Fransica

Your post is beautiful, full of truth and beautiful.

It is the Holy Spirit that moves us and takes us to Mass every time we go, it is the Holy Spirit that makes us even able to say the name ‘Jesus’ in love.

You are very right and true in what you have said and it is a beautiful post full of love of God our Father.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you.

Hi Teresa, thanks a lot for your enthusiasm.

God the Holy Spirit makes us understand God the Father through Jesus. God reveals His deepest secrets in personal relationship with Him (No word is adequate to describe the mystery. Yet when He is willing, He makes simple men/ women understand just like that). And when we know Him more and more, we are transformed to be like Him more and more too.

Much Jesus’s love and peace for you too.
Could someone direct me to any material that makes an attempt at explaining the concept of the Holy Trinity?

I am of (at least) the basic understanding of the Holy Trinity. However clearly my understanding is pale in comparison to those of you here. I find it difficult to seperate Jesus from the Father conceptually. I find myself , often, at a loss as to where to direct my prayers. When you consider Mary this even complicates things further for me in terms of prayer.

Just for example, if someone I care about either personally or a celebrity (like Johnny Kelly recently), when I attempt to pray for his soul, I do not know who to address. Or if I am praying for the conversion for someone, or a general prayer for peace and love or my family members, whom do I address? If I pray to Jesus, I feel maybe my prayer should have been directed to Mother Mary or to God the Father. I have never prayed directly to the Holy Spirit. Honestly, I didn’t know the entity, of the Holy Spirit, was an entity of the trinity of which we prayed to.

Urrrggg, so much to learn.

Any help would be appreciated.
I guess I don’t direct my prayers to any one person. Out of habit, I would direct my prayers to one God - they are one in three afterall.
Could someone direct me to any material that makes an attempt at explaining the concept of the Holy Trinity?

I am of (at least) the basic understanding of the Holy Trinity. However clearly my understanding is pale in comparison to those of you here. I find it difficult to seperate Jesus from the Father conceptually. I find myself , often, at a loss as to where to direct my prayers. When you consider Mary this even complicates things further for me in terms of prayer.

I like Scott Hahn’s book First Comes Love. It’s pretty theological though, so you have to be ready for that. There are other places that describe it well also. For example, the *Catechism of the Catholic Church *(you can’t go wrong going there for an explanation). One of the important things to remember is that the Holy Trinity is a mystery. So no matter how many times or how many different ways there are of explaining it, we as humans can never get to the bottom of it. When I pray, I generally pray to God (the father) in the name of Jesus Christ. That is just my general habit. However, there are times when I pray to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit, or to the Holy Trinity.
A question to ponder and share on if you like.

:hmmm: Do you have a personal relationship with each person of the Holy Trinity? Is it easier to relate to one person than the others? Any difficulties relating to any of them? :hmmm:

Pray on it and share your experiences.
I guess you’d have to define ‘personal relationship’.

Here’s how it works with me…and it isn’t anything I developed or sought out…it’s just the way Their presence has been felt in my life:

The Holy Spirit - goodness, He has literally moved me in many of the paths I have taken in my life…to the extent that I actually ‘feel’ His presence and guiding hand. I thank Him regularly and ask for His help when anxiety begins to appear in my thoughts, and He responds immediately.

I kind of equate His relationship with me to that of active grandparents…they work behind the scenes mostly to influence my life, supporting me in ways my parents are not able to do (sometimes financially, other times by offering a retreat from life at home by spending time with them in their home, by sharing their history with me so I understand my parents better).

God - My Father…He is always there for me, He loves me, His love has been the template for how I express my love for those in my life. He’s not my pal, He’s my father…so I don’t talk to Him about everything in my life because I know He already knows (as most parents do know what’s going on with their kids even though the kid thinks the parents are clueless). When I need a hug or to feel better about messing up or when I’m just so darn happy and grateful for all He’s given me, I make sure I tell Him or show Him - as I do my real father.

**Jesus **- My big Brother…the one I can turn to for advice, for clarification about what Our Father wants from me…He’s my example for all things. Through the Eucharist I can visit with Him daily if I choose. As in real life, I don’t have time to visit with my brothers and sisters daily, but I know where they live and they’re a phone call away - just as Jesus is. He has shown by example how to be a sibling to all people on earth.

Mary - My Mother - peace and comfort reside in her arms, and she is there 24/7 to pick me up, dust me off, give me a hug then pat my bottom as she sends me back out into the world. She lets me know when it’s time to face my Father, when it’s time to reach out to my Brother, when I’m overlooking the wisdom of my Grandparents (The Holy Spirit).

I don’t think it gets any more personal than that - when everything I am is wrapped into my true Family.
Dear friends

The Holy Trinity, is the truine God, but what also comes to me whenever I think upon it moreso in relation to us as God’s children, is that it is all about family…the family of God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother and us God’s children…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

what an excellent topic and great posts guys. for me, i pray to the Lord in which all three persons of the trinity are listening to my prayer. in certain prayers i think of one person of the trinity for example to pray to God to make us more like his son. Or Jesus to make us more like himself, or the Holy Ghost to Guide us through knowing that all three are present. Listen to Archbishop Fulton J Sheen’s talk about prayer its pretty good. as the great Archbishop said to listen back to the Lord for what we have with the Lord is a relationship that is a 2 way street, praying and listening. Father Corapi today talked about its good to have a relationship with our Father. Like the post above he says where one person of the trinity is so is the other. its so awesome the awesome mystery of the Trinity. God Bless You All Forever
My priest was just talking about this. He said most people have personal relationship with the Father the Son but don’t treat the H.S. like a real person, they just think of Him as a power. His example was how we say, “Our Father” and “Our Lord, Jesus Christ” but the H.S. is always “THE Holy Spirit”.

I’ve tried to follow Mary’s footsteps regarding this and tried to develop a spousal relationship with the Spirit, as she was the “Spouse of the Spirit.”
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