Do you have a picture of the Sacred Heart on display in your home?

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Do you have a display of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on display in your home for all to see?
Do you have a display of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on display in your home for all to see?
Certainly! My favorite devotion so I have a consecrated shrine for the Sacred Heart in my home.
Not only do I have one, I inherited it from my Grandmother. It’s a generational thing!
I have no less than 8 images Sacred Heart be they icon statute or painting or on my House Scapular.
Right up in the center of my fireplace mantle as you walk in the door.
I voted other.

No I do not have a picture of the Sacred Heart on display nor do I even own such a thing.

I have three Icons of Christ though. As well as some icons of saints that mean something to me and a couple of statues.

The Sacred Heart is a western devotion that does not have any corresponding devotion in the east. Actually it breaks one of the basic rules of iconography, that of showing internal organs.
Promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary granted to persons devoted to the Sacred Heart.
    • For Persons living in the World. “They will find by means of this devotion all the helps necessary for their state, such as peace in their families, refreshment in their labors, the blessing of heaven in all their undertakings, consolation in their troubles, and it is truly in this Heart, that they will find their refuge during life and above all at the hour of death. He promised He would reunite families that are separated.”
    • For Homes where the picture of the Sacred Heart shall be Exposed and Honored. “Since He is the source of all blessings, He shall shower them in abundance on every place where a picture of His Divine Heart shall be set up and honored.”
    • Promise of Salvation for All Who Have Been Devoted and Consecrated to It. “He then confirmed His assurance that the pleasure He takes in being loved, known and honored by His creatures is so great . . . that all who will be devoted and consecrated to It shall never perish.”
    • For Those Who work For the Salvation of Souls. “My divine Savior has given me to understand that those who work for the salvation of souls will have a gift of touching the most hardened hearts, and will labor with marvelous success, if they themselves are penetrated with a tender devotion to His Divine Heart.”
    • Promise of a Happy Death for those Who Communicate on the First Friday of Nine Consecutive Months. One Friday during Holy Communion, He said these words to His unworthy slave if she is not mistaken, “I promise thee in the excessive Mercy of My Divine Heart, that It’s all-powerful will grant the grace of final repentance to all who communicate on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, that they shall not die under Its displeasure nor without receiving the sacraments, for My Divine Heart will become their secure refuge at that last moment.”
    • Promise of the Reign of the Sacred Heart. “Yes, this Divine Heart will reign in spite of those who would oppose it; Satan will be put to confusion with all his followers.”
    • For Those Who Promote Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. “Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out.” What a perfect blessing! We can easily promote this devotion to His Sacred Heart by distributing this leaflet among as many people as possible urging them to enthrone their home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
      *]**For Communities. **“He has promised me . . . that He will spread the sweet unction of His burning charity over all those communities who honor It and place themselves under its special protection, that He will turn away from them all the strokes of divine justice, in order to restore them to grace when they have fallen from it.”
I have the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in my living room among my other family photos!
I have a mantel cover which has both the Sacred and the Immaculatre Hearts on it. I just got it and it’s beautiful!
No, I don’t have one yet. I’ve been trying to find a nice picture of one, but just the other week, my mother told me that she is thinking about giving me a wall-hanging of the Sacred Heart with the words “God Bless Our Home” over it, which was given to her for her wedding 45 years ago! 👍
Do you have a display of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on display in your home for all to see?
I sure do along with a picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary too.
Yes, I have the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculated Heart of Mary displayed on my home Altar along with the rest of my family’s pictures and my mothers bible that I bought her when I was in the Army. The Bible was what the Holy Spirit used to bring me back to the Church after being gone for over 40 years.
We have an old lithograph of the Sacred Heart which used to hang in the dining room of my grandparents’ house. My grandparents were married in 1906. I don’t know when they got the picture, but it must date back to the 19-teens or '20’s. It’s not the greatest work of art, but I love that old picture. It’s now hanging in our family room.
Yes. I have a God Bless Our Home picture with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary on the wall right next to my front door. I also have something that I bought at an Antique Shop near Cincinnati when I was visiting my sister about 12 years ago. I’ll try to describe it. It is about 5 inches tall and 3 1/2 in. wide and made entirely out of a heavy, shiny tin. At the top there is a raised Cross and underneath in says in raised letters, I WILL BLESS EVERY PLACE and then there is a raised image of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and underneath Jesus it says: WHERE A PICTURE OF MY HEART SHALL BE EXPOSED AND HONORED. At the bottom is a decorative raised scroll. It’s shiny because I polish it on a regular basis and it’s quite beautiful. I have it above my Holy Water Font on a wall between the Living Room and Kitchen. When you walk down my hallway, toward the kitchen, you are looking straight at it. It’s one of my favorite things!
I voted yes.
However, in our kitchen (eat in area) we have a 18’’ statute of Sacred Heart on the altar.
In our bedroom we have a huge picture of Sacred Heart.
Our family has a devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary. We had our home enthroned to the Sacred Heart a few years ago and therefore have a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as two other pictures. One is the First Communion certificate belonging to my dear f-i-l. I wish they still gave children this beautiful image when they make their first communion.
Joey(name removed by moderator)
I do I just got it this year and I love it. It is the most beautiful image.

God Bless
Wow! Great stuff everyone! Personally I have a picture in display as you enter my home, we also have a picture in the Kitchen. I have a statue on the altar of our shrine as well.

Not yet, but I have a beautiful San Damiano cross my parents brought back for me from Assisi, Italy–where the original resides–hanging in my living room. I have to confess to being a little hesitant in my past to display religious symbolism in my home–in large part b/c so many of our friends were not Catholic. But much of it is so lovely AND inspiring I am looking to add more pieces now that I’m a little older, wiser and secure enough to proclaim my faith.
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