Do you have a special place in your house for Jesus

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I was wondering, do you have a place in your house where you have images of Jesus, Mary, or anyone of the saints. I do in my room, I call it my “Prayer Corner”. I got the idea from my grandma, and from the EWTNkids website.
Yes I do! I have the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary displayed in my family room where I spend my “quiet time” each morning.
Yes I do! I have the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary displayed in my family room where I spend my “quiet time” each morning.
Oh thats wonderful, i thought i was kinda alone. I didn’t even mention that i have in my prayer corner, i use the top of my dresser and i little table i bought just for Mary. Here is what i got.

On my “Mary” table:
A bible
3 statues of Mary (Our lady of Guadalupe, Grace, and Fatima)
An image of Mary with JPII
a small crucifix
Flowers for mary
A rosary
And 2 candles

On my dresser:
Statues of saints: ( Jude, Juan Diego, Santo Nino de Atocha, St. Anthony, and a Guardian Angel)
A picture of St. Ramon.
2 statues, both of the sacred heart of Jesus
A prayer book
A Piece of wood work with an image of the sacred heart of Jesus
A prayer card with the divine mercy
A tree of life icon

On the wall:
A tapestry with an image of Jesus that has him reacing down to kids and it says “Be not afraid”
A picture of:
Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene(Sp?)
Divine mercy
St Joseph
Sacred Heart of Jesus ( 2 pics)
St, Jude
The 10 Commandments
St. Anthony
Am shadow box with Santo nino de Atocha.
A very large Crucifix
A wall Rosary
My grandparents obituaries
2 rosarys
And a cross my grandparents got in Mexico
The crucifix that was on my Grandmothers Coffin.

Wow, it seems like alot when you list it all!
I have a place in my bedroom on a special shelf against the wall a small, lidded clay pot with holy water in it, a votive candle in a clear glass globe, and medals I may have on hand at any given time I keep there as well. Just above these objects, on the wall behind them, I have a small wall crucifix. On either side and slightly down from the crucifix are two holy cards: one iconic of the Blessed Virgin and Baby Jesus, and the other card iconic of the Holy Trinity. When I say my rosary or other prayers, I light the candle and bless myself with holy water. It is very comforting to have a special space in my surroundings for the sacred.
I have an icon of Christ the Teacher, which has special meaning to me as a catechist. there is a crucifix on the wall at every doorway, may Christ guard us in our comings and in our goings.
I have a place in my bedroom on a special shelf against the wall a small, lidded clay pot with holy water in it, a votive candle in a clear glass globe, and medals I may have on hand at any given time I keep there as well. Just above these objects, on the wall behind them, I have a small wall crucifix. On either side and slightly down from the crucifix are two holy cards: one iconic of the Blessed Virgin and Baby Jesus, and the other card iconic of the Holy Trinity. When I say my rosary or other prayers, I light the candle and bless myself with holy water. It is very comforting to have a special space in my surroundings for the sacred.
Wow thats kool. I like imagining how ya’lls “Prayer areas” look.
I have an icon of Christ the Teacher, which has special meaning to me as a catechist. there is a crucifix on the wall at every doorway, may Christ guard us in our comings and in our goings.
I have a Guardian Angel picture above my door. I guess I could say " may my guardian angel guard us in our comings and in our goings."
Yes I do! I have the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary displayed in my family room where I spend my “quiet time” each morning.
Kindred spirit we are I have the Sacred Heart and Immaculate heart statues that were my grandparents in the bedroom, but in the computer room I have a beautiful crucifix made by the Order my sister is in with Mary and the Holy Father, my living room has the beautiful picture of Christ, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, family room Our Lady of Fatima, another one of those crucifixes. Where ever I go in my house it is my prayer corner, yes even the bathroom and laundry room.

You may be sorry you asked.

The main entry into my home is through my kitchen, so this is what everyone sees as soon as they enter. A wind chime hanging from the french door stating Bless Our Home, a 5x7 framed SHJ, a crucifix on the shelf above it, a 20x24 framed print called “This is My Son”, below that a small ceramic cross with a line from Psalm 136, a framed print of Footprints, a small planter of Mary (with flowers in it), a bi-fold stained glass thingy with The Memorare on one side and Our Lady of Grace on the other side, an 8x10 framed print of The Invitation, braided palms from Palm Sunday and a lace tablecloth depicting the Last Supper.

My living room has a lodge theme, so there isn’t as much there. Braided palms, shelf in bookcase with all my “Catholic” books and shelf in other bookcase with all my “religious” movies.

Bathroom and laundry room have braided palms.

Sons’ bedroom has cross and braided palms. Spare bedroom has a crucifix, braided palms and a framed print with a passage from Numbers.

Mine and DH bedroom: Sick call crucifix, 2’x3’ Queen of Angels, 2’x3’ Welcome Home, another bi-fold stained glass thingy that has St. Francis on one side with the prayer of St. Francis on the other side, a 5x7 St.Francis with Christ, 5x7 Christ in Gethsemane, 8x10 SHJ, 20x24 framed print One Solitary Life, a framed print of a poem called GOD (written by Fr. Girzone) inscribed to me and DH and signed by him, a 3’x5’ montage of 12 nature scenes with 12 psalms on them.

Last, but definitely not least: my chapel.

When my oldest daughter moved out, I converted her bedroom into a chapel for myself. Everyone knows when I am in there I am talking to God and am not to be disturbed. I removed the sliders from her closet and hung dark purple curtains around the three interior walls, with a lace set pulled open on the back wall. DH bought me a 2’+ crucifix for our anniversary a few years ago and that hangs in the back of the alcove with lilies beneath it. There is also a small altar with two candles, small cross and the family bible on it in the alcove. There are two 8x10 framed prints of the SHJ and the IHM with a memorial candle between the two. Same wall (other side of the window) 8x10 framed print Divine Mercy and a framed 8x10 of the head of Christ (the name of the picture escapes me right now). Two walls have the Stations of the Cross. Last wall has framed prints of The Serenity Prayer and the Ten Commandments. On one table there is a 5x7 framed print The Good Shepherd and an 8x10 framed print of Jesus in the Garden. Another table has framed 8x10’ of The 23rd Psalm, How Much Do You Love Me and the 12 Promises Our Lord made to St. Margaret Mary. Last small table has a small freestanding cross with a matching picture frame that has The Road to Emmaus in it; also mu DH’s baptismal candle. Small knick-knack unit has statue od OLG, next shelf planter of roses, beneath that is a B-day candle that says Happy Birthday Jesus (this goes on the kitchen table at Christmas time) and a sand dollar with a hand painted picture of a lamb and a dove on it. Next shelf has a 5x7 framed print of an icon of Mary and Jesus. Last shelf has a vase of roses.

They make special paints now where you can turn any window into ‘stained glass’. Each window has six different designs on them:

Praying Hands, Alpha and Omega letters, Lion and Lamb, Cross, Bread and Grapes, Chiro. Other window: Agnus Dei (Lamb with Flag), Ten Commandments, Empty Cross draped w/ shroud, Chalice and Host, Dove, Christ Holding Lamb.

Holy water fonts adorn the chapel doorway, kitchen entrance and my bedroom.

I will try to get hubby to help me get some pictures here so you can better tell what I’m talking about.

Hope you aren’t sorry you asked:)
I consider my home, Jesus’ home and I am just the caretaker of His possessions. Everyroom has religious items in it.
I recently acquired a relic of the True Cross and we’re in the process of creating an suitable place for it in our family prayer corner.
Dear friends

My home is the same as your T A Stobie, my home is God’s home and you can tell that in every room.

God Bless you all and much love and peace to you

Two walls have the Stations of the Cross.
Your chapel sounds beautiful, Patricia! 🙂 I turned my daughter’s bedroom into a prayer room after she went out on her own. Where did you find the “Stations Of The Cross” to hang on two of your walls?

I’m looking forward to seeing pictures.

Patricia, I clicked on the website and I got the message that the page was not found. 😦 I can’t figure out what I did wrong.


The link doesn’t work for me anymore either, so try this:

Go to their main page then click on search, type in 'Stations of the cross posters", this will take you to the page they’re on. They come in two different sizes, I got the 4x6 because of wall space.

If you still have problems let me know.

If you still have problems let me know.
I found the Stations Of The Cross Posters. Thanks alot, I really appreciate your help. 🙂 I will be getting the 4X 6 posters too.

God Bless You,
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