I do have several family members in that situation.
One of them tells me that he just can’t stand the ongoing repetition. He has an unusual temperament in that he cannot stand to hear things repeated, cannot endure extended conversations about a single topic, and he cannot listen to most types of music because “it’s so repetitious”, especially classical music. For that matter, he really doesn’t even listen to music.
He asked me not long ago why “they say the same thing over and over again” at Mass. He was not raised Catholic and did not grow up with a concept of liturgy. Through his eyes, the prayers, the Scripture readings, the sermon, are all just repeating the same things week after week. His thinking is “I know this stuff, but I can’t stand to hear about it all the time”. He has no concept of Almighty God having a claim upon us, to render Him worship at least once every seven days. For him, religion is about being a responsible person, working hard, and caring for your loved ones, and everything else is just unnecessary details at best, or BS at worst. Very, very poorly catechized.
Needless to say, I don’t bless this, but he just can’t comprehend it. And he is of above-average intelligence, retired after a lifetime of hard work, so it’s not a question of some mental disability.