Do you have family who no longer goes to mass?

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2 of my family no longer goes to mass.
One just quit 10 years ago. And the other goes to an AOG Christian church.
They both were education in a Catholic school.
Has members of your family
stopped going to mass?
Most of my family has.
My mother and I are the only practicing Catholics. My sister goes to a non-denominational Christian Church with a coffee bar and a band.
None of my other family attends except for funerals/weddings.
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Yes, most of my family has left the Church years ago. Me and my husband and a brother and his family are the only one’s I know of who still attend.
From my birth family, everyone, except an aunt and me.

Yet, I have a cousin who chooses to be baptized as an adult, but I don’t think she often goes to mass…
My husband’s family is pretty much fallen away. Catholicism that was sustained for centuries, gone in a generation.
That’s so sad that we can destroy so shortly and maybe forever what was built and permanent for centuries…
I do have several family members in that situation.

One of them tells me that he just can’t stand the ongoing repetition. He has an unusual temperament in that he cannot stand to hear things repeated, cannot endure extended conversations about a single topic, and he cannot listen to most types of music because “it’s so repetitious”, especially classical music. For that matter, he really doesn’t even listen to music.

He asked me not long ago why “they say the same thing over and over again” at Mass. He was not raised Catholic and did not grow up with a concept of liturgy. Through his eyes, the prayers, the Scripture readings, the sermon, are all just repeating the same things week after week. His thinking is “I know this stuff, but I can’t stand to hear about it all the time”. He has no concept of Almighty God having a claim upon us, to render Him worship at least once every seven days. For him, religion is about being a responsible person, working hard, and caring for your loved ones, and everything else is just unnecessary details at best, or BS at worst. Very, very poorly catechized.

Needless to say, I don’t bless this, but he just can’t comprehend it. And he is of above-average intelligence, retired after a lifetime of hard work, so it’s not a question of some mental disability.
My Catholic fam are all dead. Fortunately almost all of them kept going to Mass up to the point where they were no longer able. The one uncle who I know was off living in sin for a number of years dumped the extramarital partner and came back to the Church before checking out, so there’s that.
Though I realize this a question directed to Catholics, I was raised Jewish and I’m one of two in my large extended family that has left the faith. I have one cousin that is some kind of Mega church goer, I’m agnostic. All the others, 20 cousins and their families are still practicing their faith. They look at me and shake their heads. To give credit, they still love me and consider me part of the family. They just don’t understand my leaving…nor do they really ask!
Well, I’m still here! Boy, He’s sure taking it slow, however! 😂
I’m 67 so I’m getting to the age of not buying green bananas anymore!

I will never say never. I will also say, not yet!
I live in a small town that was built by Catholics and so has for years been largely Catholic and Sunday Mass used to be packed. Over about the last ten years it has dwindled drastically due mostly to a non denominational church coming to town. Seems so many are leaving the Church for that community. :cry:

Though, I will say to encourage us, I left for a while also but God brought me back. I think mostly due to my father’s rosaries, so our prayers for our family are important.
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Yeah, my son and daughter (15 and 12 yrs), my son doesn’t believe and my daughter doesn’t think it’s fair that she has to go and he doesn’t. So just me now.
Can we be nosy and ask if you’re interested in Catholicism? You do hang out here a lot! 😃
As for joining the church? No.
I came here to get Catholic perspectives and to understand the faith and it’s beliefs more fully but I have irredeemable problems with all religions that I’ve examined.

I stay because you’ve overall been very nice to me and I find your faith fascinating. I hope that’s ok?
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