Do you know any saintly people?

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New member
There were lots of saints and holy people in the past, but I just can’t see them these days and I am thinking that this is not the time. Does anyone know saintly people today? What makes them look like the saints of long ago?
Yes, I’ve known at least one. He was the pastor of the parish when I was a little girl at school. He is currently a missionary in Latin America. A marvelous and holy man. I’ll never forget him.
Yes, I have known several saintly people, although they would have rejected the adjective. They were always joyous, prayerful, and trusting in God. Others were happy to be around them.
Yes, even though he isn’t Catholic, haha. He was my pastor many years ago, but I will never forget him. He has been faithfully serving the Lord to the best of his knowledge (he misunderstands the teaching of the Church), but he has led an exemplary prayer life, knows the Scriptures, encourages believers to pursue holiness, and has led several hundred people to a knowledge of Christ through his evangelism. Even when he was laying in his bed, too weak to get up, vomiting, as cancer lived in his body, he praised God in his sufferings.
I used to be able to attend silent retreats (four days) every year for about twelve years at Visitation Monastery in Mobile.
Most of the Retreat Masters were very gifted, holy men. They were right on with the authentic teachings of the Church and gave very good conferences about spiritual direction. Going to confession to them was very helpful.

I see saintly people in my parish as well. They pray a lot and help others when they can.
'A saint is not someone who never sins, but one who sins less and less frequently and gets up more and more quickly’. - St Bernard of Clairvaux
There are no saints in this current world. We’re to far gone for that at this point
There will always be sinners who think think they are saints, and saints that know they are sinners. Holiness is uprooting one’s old self in order for God’s goodness, truth and grace to shine through. Jesus gives us Himself. The only thing standing in the way of our holiness is ourselves and our attachment to the world and our disordered passions. The h]whole point of the human experience is a lesson on love. Love for God and neighbor. Thus we will all be judged on wh—how we loved and forgave others.
I know someone who makes tremendous sacrifices for adults with disabilities who need someone to advocate for them and physically care for them. She absolutely depends on her prayer life and her faith. If she’s not a saint, I don’t know what. She sees Our Lord in every one of them, in every one of us.
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There is an Australian Priest who has ministered to wayward boys for virtually his whole ministry. He doesn’t seek notability by it finds him because people are drawn to his humble, everyday holiness. If he were to die today I feel quite sure there would be a groundswell of support for beautification.
Actually I’m often awed by the saintliness of many people I know from church. You have to get to know them a bit, because saintliness often is quite discreet and humble, but it is there. As one of my parish priests is fond of saying, ordinariness is the mask under which holiness hides.

I am blessed to know many people who love God above all things, who love their neighbors as themselves.
I love the answers you all submitted. What comes to mind is that maybe one has to have some humility, poverty of spirit, and deep faith in God to be saintly and also to recognize saintliness in others.
“In the early Church , Christians were called ‘the saints’ because their whole lives were imbued with the presence of Christ and with the light of his Gospel. They were in the minority, but they transformed the world.” (R. Sarah - The day in now far spent, p. 30)
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