I jumped onto my computer after seeing this on my phone because I wanted to be able to type out my thoughts on depression in other people and how I’ve found the best ways to handle it.
So to start this essay of possible Senior Thesis proportions, its important to note that being the second or third party in a person with depression’s life is fairly difficult. You essentially play a “Meta-Game” - meaning that your goal is the win the total set of all games and not any one particular game (unless its life threatening for that individual). What do I mean by the set of all games? Why do I bring up the idea of games? This is just the terminology used by Jordan Peterson in describing how children learn to play, “its okay if you lose a game here and there because the goal is to get other kids to keep playing, if you win all the time they wont want to play because they never win,” this best describes what I mean by the “meta-game”.
Regarding the meta-game you go through with your depressed friends, the goal is make every interaction you have as positive as it can be, even if the focus is negative of the interaction is negative. The goal is to reinforce love, respect and kindness in each interaction. So your friend just got in a bad break up? Talk it out with them, whether they just vent or think out loud. They feel like they can’t do anything right? Provide evidence to the contrary, point out ways they could genuinely improve that they can see and be able to see themselves do or take them out and have some fun and show them that they are good at being your friend. Be creative with how you reinforce positivity but most importantly just let it flow from the heart.
If they aren’t socially awkward or blatant introverts then invite them into your group of friends. I am introvert, when I make a friend I only really care about that one friend, everyone is just peripheral to me by comparison to the bond I have with that one individual and I end up doing the “follow that person around like a lost puppy routine” but the overall goal with this is to get them to have more friends that can help reinforce the ideas I’ve presented in the previous paragraphs (which means you have carefully selected who you expose them to).
Another thing to be aware of is that the social expectations of society. To hell with society. If you think the only way to help your friend is by having a night out or calling in sick to school/work and going to spend time with them, then go for it. If your friends and family think that is too much then don’t understand whats at stake. I’ve found the majority of people refuse to seek medical help for their depression (because that’s what depression does to us). Don’t let people get in the way of helping people you care about.
That’s all I can type for now, I know its not very in-depth but I’m sick and the benadryl I took early is kicking in and making me tired. I hope this helps.