Do you make your own clothing!

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I am very excited right now because I finally finished my new winter coat. Since it needs to fit two of us, and my others simply would not accomodate EVERYONE, I have made a BIG coat. I call it the “Marsupial Mama” look because not only does it fit both of us now, but it will fit me with a baby/toddler in a sling under the coat next year too! It is a very big one, made from plum-colored felted wool (so it is basically washable if necessary) and a dark cotton calico print on the inside. I am now able to put away and give away the coats that do not fit anymore!

Sorry about the rant. Just wondering, does anyone else make their own clothes? Especially maternity clothes.

I am into this do-it-yourself stage, so I am even getting ready to make my cloth diapers and considering making cotton menstrual pads… any thoughts?
That is wonderful that you have the nack to make your own clothes and that you enjoy doing it.

I find it easier and less time consuming to buy my clothes:) …but I give credit to those gals that make their own
👍 .

*and considering making cotton menstrual pads *
  • :bigyikes: *
Hmm well personally I would never go anywhere near cotton menstrual pads to wash and wear…be careful because you don’t want to sign yourself up for yeast infections or UTIs from any lingering residue. If there’s a stain, there’s residue.

But as for the coat! Wow!! I really wish I could sew, and I’ve even thought about taking a class. I opted not to buy a maternity coat this season (so far…) and I’m already wishing I had but the selection I came across wasn’t all that great. Can you post a picture of it??? I would love to see.
I can and do sew. Congrats on finishing your coat. I love to sew, find it relaxing, creative, conducive of patience and perseverance, and if you can find quality material, what you make is of far greater quality than what I can afford to buy.

I was just ranting that there are no “normal” looking maternity clothes available to me in my area. Everything looks flare and flimsy 60’s or too skin tight to be comfortable. Tonight I saw low-rise maternity pants. What person can wear this with the shirts available?? Certainly not me. What I have isn’t much and looks dowdy, but at least it covers.

I encourage you to keep on sewing. It’s becoming a lost art. I have considered offering a sewing class for young girls when my family life slows down.
The whole coat issue is one downside to a winter pregnancy. I really didn’t want to buy a coat. I was considering wearing my husband’s, but the sleeves are too long and I was still working up until a week ago. Luckily I was able to borrow one from my mom who wears a size larger than I usually would. I am so glad I didn’t have to buy one because I certainly couldn’t make one!

I get frustrated when trying to sew my own clothes. I like square projects like curtains and table clothes. :o

As for the menstrual pads, I’m just wondering how clean they could get? I would think you’d have to wash them pretty quickly with maybe Oxy Clean? I guess if you’re washing cloth diapers anyway…how would they stay in place in your undies, though?
that brings back memories, my best friend in HS taught me to sew (I failed home ec before she taught me) and I made most of my own clothes, and later my kids clothing, til they got school age and wore uniforms. I did several wedding and prom dresses, and tailored jackets, and finally got bold enough to try a winter coat. Bought a gorgeous wool plaid, at least 15 yrds (orange, brown, yellow and olive–that tells you the date appprox).

Before I could get started on it, I got married, got pregnant right away. Could not afford more material for maternity clothes so I got one of those old Simplicity patters for a whole wardrobe: maternity skirt, jumper, vest, jacket, all of the same plaid. Boy was I sick of it by the time spring rolled around. MIL gave me a green maternity dress, I was so thrilled at the change of pace (and lighter weight fabric) I could’ve kissed her.
CaptainCatholic, congratulations on finishing your coat. I love to sew, and although my baby is getting married in June, I made a lot of my maternity clothes too. I did make my youngest a fantastic Halloween costume this year, though. Because of my husband’s profession, I need to attend a lot of receptions, so I still make many of my dresses. It is almost impossible to find a well-made flattering dress these days for any price. I think it is a shame that girls don’t learn to sew now. If you can sew you can save a bundle of money on children’s clothes, and on curtains, tablecloths and other household items. Sewing can also lead to wonderful hobbies such as quilting and needlework. I love the pleasure and satisfaction that I get from being able to make beautiful gifts and items for our home.
CaptainCatholic you are my hero of the week! Congratulations on endeavoring to make your own clothes! It definitely seems to be a lost art in America and many of us would love to see it resurrected.

Just think, you have the satisfaction of learning a new and very useful craft. You can be helpful to your family and enjoy what you’re doing. I happen to believe it is a natural part of feminine nature to want to clothe herself and her family. Again, congratulations, I pray many more young women will take up the interest and high schools will bring sewing back into their regular curriculum. 👍
I can usually manage to hem my pants (unless they’re the dressy type that have the “invisible” hem, thank goodness we have a wonderful and reasonably priced seamstress nearby) but that’s about as far as it goes. I really need to take up sewing. I am very short and small-framed, and I’ve found over the last two seasons that the small sizes in a lot of stores are too big for me, and I don’t like a lot of the styles in juniors’ stores and departments. If I could alter patterns for my frame, or tailor store-bought items to fit, it would save me so much trouble.

However, the thought of the cotton menstrual pads…I don’t think I could do that. It’s enough of a bother (for me, at least) with the disposable stuff. God bless you, though, for considering it!
Here’s a nifty jacket you can make that has an insert so you can wear it with the baby or without. I made it myself fairly easily and I’m a mediocre sewer! LOL I do love to sew but I need fast and easy projects or I get interupted and never get back to it.

Elizabeth lee also has tons of nursing patterns, diaper patterns, a sling pattern, and children’s clothing patterns. If I had more time and money I would order a ton of stuff and sew forever! LOL

Happy crafting!
Captaincatholic…good job on making your own maternity clothes…you get extra credit for sewing while pregnant!!

I like to sew, too. I recently made curtains for my living room…that is for 5 windows which go from the floor to the ceiling, meaning 10 panels, a workout, but they look really good. And I have a drill to hang my curtain rods…

And I also like to sew costumes for the high school play.
wonderful job on making a coat! I haven’t sewn anything that heavy for a long time. I personally can get very frustrated sewing but part of that comes from the fact that both my mom and sister are master seamstresses and have been known to make their own patterns! I have also helped to costume High School plays!

Okay, as far as cotton menstrual pads, I bought some from the local Wild Oats Market and they were wonderful but somewhere along the line I stopped using them. I never got a yeast infection from them either. The best thing I could think of is to soak them like you do diapers in a solution of borax and water while waiting to wash them. As for how to keep them on, you make a cover that has flaps that will snap under your panties (sorry if this is a bit graphic). If anyone wants more info. on this let me know by pm’ing me and I can tell you that way - too many little eyes on these lists to go into detail!

Brenda V.
Well, I must admit: I did not make the coat all by myself. Sweet DH not only encouraged me, but also actually cut some of the pieces out for me!!! To go beyond that, he wants to help me make him a new winter coat! He enjoys cutting out, which I don’t prefer, since I like the actual construction.

Also, this weekend, he picked out two beautifully coordinating flannels to make his brother a comforter for Christmas… and we are putting it together. So far, he has put in every stitch but the first 3! He is doing a fabulous job, and he is very meticulous and a quick study. We are really looking forward to sewing cloth diapers for our little ones together when the material comes in, hopefully soon! I am so blest that I have such a wonderful hubsband!!!
You and your husband sound completely adorable :love: I’m sure it’s a rare husband who is looking forward to making cloth diapers with his wife! I got a sewing machine from my husband for our first Christmas as a married couple, and I have sewn a few things, but I really want to get back into that! You’re inspiring me to get my things out and get busy (I already have a few simple projects lined up, such as kitchen curtains and an altar cloth). Please do post a picture if at all possible!!

I used to be really enthusiastic about do-it-yourself projects before our little son was born. I made him some clothes, I did my own wedding flowers and decorations, I made Rosaries for my friends and relatives, but somehow I’m just not doing those things anymore. I think I get scared that I won’t have time to finish it and so I put it off until “I have more time” which never happens 🙂 It’s easier to go on the forums when I have free time, since this is something you can pick up and drop as quickly as you can turn the computer on and off!
I love to sew, but working full time doesn’t leave much time for it. I made a wool coat for one of my daughters some years ago - the tailoring can be looked at in two ways. It’s either exquisite attention to detail or a terrible drudgery, depending on the mood at the time…it turned out beautifully. There is a great feeling of accomplishment when you finish a project.

Right now I’m making my daughter’s wedding dress - I’m taking a quick break from some of the hand sewing (finishing off edges, facings and ruching up the skirt). I love working with fabric - all types, really, but this dress is silk satin and it’s so wonderful to work with! I think I’ll go back early and get in a few more stitiches!

Hancock’s Fabrics usually has some nice diaper fabrics. Tell us how they come out!
WOW! I sew day and night and have not been to make a coat yet! On any given day Im always wearing something I made, its great advertising 😛
Nicely done.

I don’t make my own clothes, but Fashina makes her own dresses. However, I would like to recover a couch (or furniture in general, I’m just a do-it-myselfer around the house, and furniature is so dang expensive that I want to learn to build it solidly and fix it when I need to).

Oh wow! I wish I could sew! that’s awesome. I made a pillow, a scrunchy, and a pair of pajama shorts when I was in home ec in high school. my wedding gown was hand made by my SIL

I am curious though, how do you go about making pads and cloth diapers. I am interestd in buying cloth diapers when I have children, but never thought about making them. have you considered that hemp would be better than cotten? at least a lot of cloth diapers and nursing pads are made of hemp and they work well for my friends. don’t know where you can buy it though.

but I am interested in how you can make the “sanatary napkins”. if you don’t want to explane on here, send me a PM. is there a web site you use for your information?
thanks 🙂
yup… I make my own dresses (w/ my Mom’s help of course!) that way they fit and are modest!

Laura 😛
Oh wow! I wish I could sew! that’s awesome. I made a pillow, a scrunchy, and a pair of pajama shorts when I was in home ec in high school. my wedding gown was hand made by my SIL

I am curious though, how do you go about making pads and cloth diapers. I am interestd in buying cloth diapers when I have children, but never thought about making them. have you considered that hemp would be better than cotten? at least a lot of cloth diapers and nursing pads are made of hemp and they work well for my friends. don’t know where you can buy it though.

but I am interested in how you can make the “sanatary napkins”. if you don’t want to explane on here, send me a PM. is there a web site you use for your information?
thanks 🙂
I can’t answer for the feminine hygiene items, but there are patterns for diapers and soakers available, or at least there used to be…my diaper days (aside from using them for dust rags) are long gone! Look at the smaller pattern companies.
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