Do you pray to the Saint you are named after?

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Dear friends

Do you pray to the Saint you are named after for intercession and if so, how often? If you are not named after a Saint, replace the ‘named after’ to your ‘favourite Saint’, thank you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

yes because she is also the patron saint for my state in life, and an old friend. I also pray to your saint, because I think she is an expert on how to pray (and how not to pray)
I’ve prayed to Saint Stephen on the odd occasion, but to Michael the Arc Angel every morning, as I’m Stephen, Michael, Francis.
I’ve read about Saint Francis, but don’t pray to him, sometimes I include them all like, “Saints of Paradise, pray for me”.
I was not named after a saint.

I love the month of November because after Masses in November, the parish where I’m attending Mass these days sings the Litany of the Saints immediately after the time we spend on our knees after Communion, and before the parish announcements.

It’s sung at a very slow tempo, like Taize prayer is often sung. You can get REALLY into praying to the saints to request their prayers this way.

Kind of like an “all of the above” – love it!!

The feeling the inside the church becomes VERY VERY holy to me the deeper we get into the Litany of the Saints.

I especially love the part that’s repeated as the refrain:

“all you
MEN and
pray for US!”
My middle name is Ann and never really prayed to her. I think I’ll be looking her up soon.👍 Thanks…
We do a litany of the Patron saints in our family prayers.

St. Brendan pray for us…
Sts. Jochaim and Ann (JoAnn) pray for us…

And down through all the kids names.

And then we might add a patron saint for a special cause in there:
for example, if someone we know is traveling St. Christopher is added, if someone we know is sick with cancer, St. Peregrin
When I had the midterm for my philosophy class, we added Sts Augustine, Anslem and Thomas Aquinas.

I was recently on a business trip to Korea, so my wife added St. Andrew Kim Taegon to the litany while I was gone 🙂
If you don’t pray to your patron saint you are not taking advantage of the fantastic spiritual opportunity to have your namesake intercede for you at the Throne of God!
I was’nt named after any particular saints. I have adopted some patron saints and I pray to them though. One thing I found interesting was a story of a saint (don’t recall the name’ sorry) who would greet the guardian Angel of the diocese he was entering, he did the same for each parish where he was going to preach, and for each person. He found that his welcome and preaching went far better if he had the guardian Angels on side. Im not a preacher, but I try to remember to greet the guardian Angels of my parish, and everyone I meet. I often pray to everyones guardian Angel when I’m in a shop, office etc. I pray to the guardian Angels of everyone I know and those I come across at work too. It’s been very good. Lots of favours.
Yes. St. John the Evangelist, selected at my baptism (already my second name) by our priest. I thank him for such a great choice.

When I pray for the church, the revitalization, the revival of the people of God, I ask for prayers from St. John as well. I know he is concerned and was so close to Jesus and the Mother of Jesus.
Dear friends

Do you pray to the Saint you are named after for intercession and if so, how often? If you are not named after a Saint, replace the ‘named after’ to your ‘favourite Saint’, thank you.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Most definately! I wanna be just like him!

Saint Michael Prayer
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
“Dios te salve, Maria…”/“Hail Mary…”

😛 Yeah, I think I do pray for her intercession every day…

I sometimes also pray for St. Cecilia’s intercession, who is my patron saint since Confirmation, but probably not as often as I should.
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