Do you read the gospel for Sunday Mass and reflect on it during the week?

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Do you read the gospel for Sunday Mass and reflect on it during the week?

Just curious, I have done this for a while and with others, and have found it very beneficial. Reflecting on the gospel helps me especially when so few priests talk much about the gospel in their sermon around here. Seems like if I don’t I have forgotten the gospel a few minutes after it has been read at Mass.
I do look at the readings in advance, but not so much to study them but to pick out hymns for the Mass. It helps me get a lot more out of Mass, having at least read them in advance.

Our current pastor actually asked that people read the gospel in advance and then just listen and don’t watch the book during Mass. Few of the people do that or maybe don’t even remember, but I still do it because by the time I get to his Mass I’ve read it for picking out hymns and been to another Mass on Saturday.

Back when I was more energetic about it, I used to read and study the readings every day. Daily readings are on the web
I especially like daily readings because they seem well designed to be read in sequence. Maybe I’ll go back to doing that. Thanks for giving me a reason to think about it.

I prepare a one page Bible study for our RCIA group every week on the Gospel which includes all the readings, some background on the Gospel, questions about the text and for personal application, related catechism sections, and a quotation from a saint. By Sunday I’m usually very well aquainted with the readings. 🙂

Here’s this weeks:
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - C
Opening prayer
Amos 8:4-7 (Psalm 113:1-2,4-8) 1 Timothy 2:2:1-8 Luke 16:1-13

Overview of the Gospel:
· In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus continues teaching by the use of parables. He is speaking to his disciples, but the Pharisees are close at hand listening in (v 14).
· The steward in the parable was probably a servant who served as an agent of goods for his employer. In the process, he extracted usurious amounts on top of the actual transaction amounts. He finds himself about to be out of a job when his master discovers he is wasting his goods (v 1. See also Luke 15:13).
· Desperate to provide for his future, the steward foregoes his share of the profits, hoping to ingratiate himself to his master’s debtors. He thus averts a material crisis using material goods. Jesus wishes to show us that we can avert a spiritual crisis, also using materials goods.
Questions:· Why would it be important for Jesus’ disciples to hear this parable?
· In what crisis does the steward find himself? What plan does he devise? In light of this scheme, why does the owner commend the steward (v 18)?
· How does Jesus summarize this parable (v 9)? What do you think he’s commending here? How do verses 10-12 help you understand his point?
· What’s the problem with trying to serve two masters (v 13)? What characterizes the attitude of the Pharisees (v 14)? How does this parable speak to them?
· How do you view your money: (a) “It’s mine, keep your hands off”? (b) “It’s my creditors”? (c) “It’s God’s—I just manage it”? Why? How could you use it for the sake of God’s kingdom?
· Who (or what) are some of the masters you’ve served in the past? What masters pull at you for allegiance now? How do you deal with these pressures in light of your allegiance to Christ?
Catechism of the Catholic Church: §§ 952, 2424
Closing prayer
Remember to read and meditate on the daily Mass readings found in the bulletin!
Oh, how precious time is! Blessed are those who know how to make good use of it. Oh, if only all could understand how precious time is, undoubtedly everyone would do his best to spend it in a praiseworthy manner! -St. Padre Pio
I have the objective of doing this weekly. I usually fail, which is a sad thing. More weeks than not I do manage to partially prepare. I prepare for the rite of Mass I’m planning to attend. The older Kalendar has a very long history: one of my favorite spiritual books is by Goffine, his Manual, first published in 1690. The unbroken line of prayer and worship is so beautiful.


O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, who sittest upon the cherubims, thou alone art the God of all the kingdoms of the earth, thou hast made heaven and earth. (*)
I prepare a one page Bible study for our RCIA group every week on the Gospel which includes all the readings, some background on the Gospel, questions about the text and for personal application, related catechism sections, and a quotation from a saint. By Sunday I’m usually very well aquainted with the readings. 🙂

Here’s this weeks:
That is great, I would love to see that weekly, maybe you could post it or pm it to me, if you are preparing it anyway.
What a novel idea especially for the RCIA, I am sure it must be helpful for them. Maybe some other directors will read this and take your idea and use it.
Do you read the gospel for Sunday Mass and reflect on it during the week?
This is a great idea. Do you think we could do it in the Forums? We could start it on Monday and people could add comments. By Sunday we’d all have many thoughts on it? Just wondering…
I am involved in a couple of things that helps me prepare for the Sunday gospels.

In my Familia team, we read the gospel and then reflect on it for thirty minutes. We then choose a “concrete” action based on the meditations and reflections. It is very interesting how end up with some surprising choices.

I do think I get a bit more from the readings on Sunday especially since I process better visually and not very well aurally.
In my Familia team, we read the gospel and then reflect on it for thirty minutes. We then choose a “concrete” action based on the meditations and reflections.
I have never been in one of those groups. Give me an example if you can. I am interested.
That is great, I would love to see that weekly, maybe you could post it or pm it to me, if you are preparing it anyway.
What a novel idea especially for the RCIA, I am sure it must be helpful for them. Maybe some other directors will read this and take your idea and use it.
Thank you for the kind words :o .

Our RCIA group meets on Thursday night, so I usually have the Bible study for the following Sunday done by Wednesday evening. If it is helpful to others (and the moderators do not object) I will try to post it here by Wednesday evening. Eventually, I hope to be able to include it as a regular feature on my Bible Study website.
I have never been in one of those groups. Give me an example if you can. I am interested.
On Thursday I meet with a group of Catholic women from school, I copy the Gospel for Sunday, we read it meditate on it, and talk about what points we are inspired by and how in our daily lives we can live them.
We discuss it (without interpreting the gospel) and find something we can work on in our lives for the following week.

I just read next Sunday’s gospel so I could prepare something for the children at school and it is on the mustard seed. I will pick up some mustard seeds at the store download a picture of the plant and talk about it with them and how important faith is.

I also have this added bonus when I meet with the Ladies on Thursday.
On Sunday when I hear the gospel it gives me a lot to reflect on. So maybe this thursday we will talk of ways to increase our own faith and faith to others.
Possibly make some more book marks of this quote: YOUR LIFE MAY BE THE ONLY GOSPEL THAT OTHER’S EVER READ!

Basically we use the gospel to help make us better apostles for Christ. Since we are teachers it is a little more difficult for us to take on large projects. Like in Familia, and some of the other groups they think of things to do to help build the Kingdom for Christ as well.

Also I think it would be a great idea to post the gospel on Monday’s and discuss what Christ is telling us. Also the questions that Fidelis puts together would be helpful. I think it would be great to do.I will post it and see if we can get fidelis to post some questions, they would help alot.
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