Do you recite the Rosary?

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Do you recite the Rosary?

Also, how many of you here at Catholic Answer Forums make Rosaries?

I enjoy making Rosaries. I can’t think of very many gifts that you can give to another Catholic, which is better than a hand-maid Rosary.

Do you recite the Rosary?
  • Often
  • Seldom
  • Never
I have been reciting the rosary twice a day now for the past three weeks. I find it wonderfully meditative and soothing.

I don’t make rosaries but I agree that they are lovely gifts.
We do it often during lent. Although we fell off the rosary wagon after lent last year, I hope to do better this year.

I said the rosary when I was younger. I did it sort of as a duty, once in a while.

I swore it off for a long time as distracting from prayer to God.

Just recently, after listening to something that Fr. Corapi said on EWTN, I was inspired to start praying the rosary again.

In my middle 50’s and retired, I am trying to spend more time in the Bible and in the Rosary. It’s hard for me to concentrate when I pray the rosary. I say the rosary alone, and in the dark. And, I offer the rosary for the oh-so-many things that I want to pray for.

The rosary allows me to spend some time in prayer, and I find that spiritually rewarding. I have a $2 guide to the revised mysteries of the rosaries, and I refer to that.

Looking back, I’d say that praying the rosary takes a certain amount of discipline and spiritual development to get into.

Many people who have such strong devotion to Mary, have the whole thing clear in their mind. I still don’t have a clear appreciation of what Christ said on the cross, “Behold thy mother.” And, I don’t understand the idea of Mary being the Mediatrix of all graces. I know what that refers to, I just have a hard time accepting it. You could argue that Abraham, Noah, Ruth, David, and Solomon, and Boaz are also co-mediators, for what they did.

And, the fundamental thing, why do we need to pray to Mary? If she is our mother, why would she pray for us to God less, unless we first pray to her? And, Mary never prayed to herself, as far as we know, and she never said the rosary.
Well, I pray at least one Rosary a day, right before I go to bed, though sometimes I have managed to do three or four in a day. If I go running alone, I just use my Rosary ring and do one while I’m running…it really helps motivate me (and hey, last time I did this, I said it on the way to a track and I hadn’t run in about a year. I proceeded to run a 5:50 mile after having run about two miles before that. Maybe a little divine intervention? 😉 )

I do not Pray them as often as I should. I do pray the Hail Mary with my kids every night.

My prayer life consists of a modifyed Liturgy of the Hours & Review of the Rule of St Benidict, as a Novice Oblate.

Thanks for the Poll, My prayers are with all here at CA
I do the rosary every day, and twice if I have time after the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy!

I do it when I walk to church, walk home, walk to school, before I sleep, and such. I don’t have a set time, but I always do it once…

You know how HARD it is to find teens my age (16) who love the rosary as a beautiful devotion of meditative and contemplative prayer? I wanna teen block rosary! :crying:
I pray the rosary often. Sometimes at church before weekday and the Saturday late afternoon vigil mass. They say 10 decades before Saturday vigil and 10 - 20 decades before weekday mass (depending on how early people arrive to start). I also say the rosary along with the Catholic radio station quite often too. Then I have a CD with the rosary on it that I pray with as well. Lately, I have been offering up single decades at work when I can for the Terri Schiavo situation.
I pray the Rosary quite often. I also just purchased a Franciscan ‘Crown’ Rosary with seven decades instead of the usual five, to increase my amount of praying (and also I think the Franciscans are really cool).
I pray the Rosary daily. I’m convinced it can without doubt, change your life. I’m in sales and most of the time I can get to a Church to pray it, sometimes in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. Every Sunday we pray a family Rosary which I’m a big believer in as well.

At times I struggle with it, at times I feel like I get great insight from praying it. The Rosary is a gift. 👍
I’m convinced it can without doubt, change your life…The Rosary is a gift. 👍
I 100% agree, it changed mine, helped me stop a lot of things that I never had the courage or wherewithall to do alone.

I think I’ve always loved the Blessed Mother even when I wasn’t a Catholic. Because of that I think I also have always been drawn to the rosary. I’ve been slow to start praying the rosary because I was afraid if I didn’t meditate on the mysteries as I was praying that I would be sinning by praying vain repetition. Since I was having a problem keeping my mind centered on Christ and my mind wondering it kept me from praying it. Finally I decided that I just needed to start and let God help me grow with it the meditation part would also develop. I found that praying it along with a cd really helps me. On my own I still stumble around not knowing what to do. But I think I’m finally on my way and I feel good about that. I think that the rosary is a powerful prayer and Satan does his best to keep us from saying it. I know he succeeded with me for a long time. I’m still very private about my praying it, some of us from a protestant background take baby steps but we still get there.
I pray the Rosary occasionally, but would like to do it more often and ***far ***more effectively. I’m very easily distracted and impatient. I seem to do much better with the Office, and am much more faithful to praying that than the Rosary. Still, it upsets me, and I wish I could do better.
i try to pray daily. need a lot of work on my meditation–my mind keeps wandering.

i would sometimes catch my grand-aunt (who was a nun) making rosaries, and she let me try sometimes. it’s fun, but quite exacting. i don’t think i was able to even finish one decade! i kept twisting things out of shape.:o :o 😦
I said the rosary when I was younger. I did it sort of as a duty, once in a while.

I swore it off for a long time as distracting from prayer to God.

Just recently, after listening to something that Fr. Corapi said on EWTN, I was inspired to start praying the rosary again.

In my middle 50’s and retired, I am trying to spend more time in the Bible and in the Rosary. It’s hard for me to concentrate when I pray the rosary. I say the rosary alone, and in the dark. And, I offer the rosary for the oh-so-many things that I want to pray for.

The rosary allows me to spend some time in prayer, and I find that spiritually rewarding. I have a $2 guide to the revised mysteries of the rosaries, and I refer to that.

Looking back, I’d say that praying the rosary takes a certain amount of discipline and spiritual development to get into.

Many people who have such strong devotion to Mary, have the whole thing clear in their mind. I still don’t have a clear appreciation of what Christ said on the cross, “Behold thy mother.” And, I don’t understand the idea of Mary being the Mediatrix of all graces. I know what that refers to, I just have a hard time accepting it. You could argue that Abraham, Noah, Ruth, David, and Solomon, and Boaz are also co-mediators, for what they did.

And, the fundamental thing, why do we need to pray to Mary? If she is our mother, why would she pray for us to God less, unless we first pray to her? And, Mary never prayed to herself, as far as we know, and she never said the rosary.
Mary as Mediatrix of all graces especially refers to here fiat which brought the saviour into the world. Without that fiat (thy will be done) we would have no grace or salvation. So we owe a great debt to Mary.
A glimpse at the following quote from th NT is interesting-
From Jn Ch 2.
1: On the third day there was a marriage at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there;

2: Jesus also was invited to the marriage, with his disciples.

3: When the wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”

4: And Jesus said to her, “O woman, what have you to do with me? My hour has not yet come.”

5: His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

6: Now six stone jars were standing there, for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.

7: Jesus said to them, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim.

8: He said to them, “Now draw some out, and take it to the steward of the feast.” So they took it.

9: When the steward of the feast tasted the water now become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward of the feast called the bridegroom

10: and said to him, “Every man serves the good wine first; and when men have drunk freely, then the poor wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.”

11: This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory; and his disciples believed in him.

God has never changed His plans for anyone. But His mother got Him to bring forward His public life. What a powerful intercessor to have. And she is our spiritual mother too.
The rosary was not around when Mary lived. But we find a long stream of tradition in the Church involving prayers to Mary.
i try to pray daily. need a lot of work on my meditation–my mind keeps wandering.
I usually say it daily. I’m hesitant to write that, because I feel that as soon as I write I say the rosary every day, something will happen and I won’t fit it in. It took me a while to get into the habit. I haven’t missed a day in over two months now.

Some days my concentrationis better than others. When my concentration is poor I feel as if it’s as bad as if i didn’t say it at all.

I usually say it when I run, or if I am waiting for something. Some times I can’t fit it in until right before I go to bed, and that can be the worse for me, because I start drifiting off to sleep or its easier for my mind to wonder on tangents that I don’t know how they come to me when meditating on the mysteries. The pre-bedtime rosaries are usually only one set of mysteries. While running, I can usually fit in all the mysteries.
My family and I say the rosary every Sunday. IT is a great way to see what the kids are up. The Rosary has been very instrumental in a deeper conversion in my spiritual life. I started saying one decade a day, this lead to so many graces that I am finding myself saying the rosary every day.

I find such peace through the rosary and especially at ADORATION!
I recite the rosary almost every day. I am trying to do so every day - it’s interesting how it changes you.

I also make them. I make glass beaded rosaries and I use eye-pins and link them together like chain.

I love making them. It has given me something wonderful and fulfilling to do with my hands since I quit smoking! I believe Mary had a hand in that too, so I believe making rosaries is a way of thanking her for her intercession.

When I came home to the Church, Father gave me a booklet on saying the rosary with all the Mysteries. My Church is five minutes from work, so I go there after work and say one before heading home. It gives me the chance to focus on saying it in the quiet and beauty of the church. And makes rush hour all the easier to deal with!

I used to say it before bed, but when I’d fall asleep and pick up the rosary off the floor in the morning, I realized that wasn’t very focused!

While I don’t always focus as well as I hope, even in the church, I believe that the things that come to mind while praying are things I need to bring to Him anyway and so I let it all flow together and I must say, I am so renewed and refreshed after the Rosary!

I recite the Rosary daily. 👍

I love our Blessed Mother, and she asked us to recite her Rosary. Always listen to your Mother 👍

Even though I am a fairly recent convert, will be one year this Easter, I find the Rosary a most wonderful and spiritual way of entering in the life of Jesus.

Because I am a very visual person, I have 8x10 pictures of all the Mysteries of the Rosary to help me focus more deeply, I also have 8x10’s of the Stations of the Cross.

I love the beautiful visual aspects of our faith, what tremendous help they are to converts like me to help with meditation and focus. Keeping my eyes always on Jesus.
I try to. It’s one of my goals.
I am interested in thoe who say that they make rosaries. How does one do that? Where do you get the materials? What do you do with them once you have made them?

I think it would be a wonderful thing to take up. Can anyone help me set out on the right foot?

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