Do you think I am being scrupulous?

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I had this dumb pop song stuck in my head. I thought it contained the words “oh my” and then the word “god”, and obviously not in a reverent way.

I kept trying to fight off this song especially because of those words, and I feared sinning if I let them play out. Unfortunately the song was caught in my mind, and I was tired at the time and feel like I let it slip and may have consented to those words playing out.

Do you think this could be a grave sin since the words weren’t used reverently?
Scrupulosity can be a religious manifestation of the common psychological disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I can’t give you any religious advice but if this issue is interfering with your life, ability to concentrate etc. you should think about getting some advice from your physician. People here will also tell you to talk to a priest. I gather they are used to this sort of issue.
may have consented … grave sin since the words weren’t used reverently? …
Mortal sin is a willful choice and that means the intention to be irreverent. I see neither in your statement.
I think that scrupulousness often hides a heart with great potential to love Jesus.

However, I believe that you need a good spiritual director, one of those who do not get impatient, and from whom you can ask not only the solution of the single scruple, but the criteria by which to resolve entire groups of scruples (example: "it does not come from God what steals the peace of the soul ").
In general, however, these criteria must be personalized in the spiritual direction.

Regarding what you tell, I really think it’s an iconic scruple 😉
Thank you guys! But of course I’ve become worried that I thought it was a grave matter and I did it anyway. It makes it so difficult since so much time has passed and my memory is not clear. Scruples or not, these worries are exhausting.
my memory is not clear
So if the memory is not certain then you do not obligated to confess it.

CIC (Latin Canon Law)
Can. 988 §1. A member of the Christian faithful is obliged to confess in kind and number all grave sins committed after baptism and not yet remitted directly through the keys of the Church nor acknowledged in individual confession, of which the person has knowledge after diligent examination of conscience.
Definitely. I’d highly recommend finding a therapist to help! I know it has helped me greatly!
This is a reason we should be vigilant about what we expose our minds to. The garbage we fill it with becomes the devil’s playground.
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