Do you think there is a difference in addressing American as a christian nation between trump and Obama?
Obama is right, we are no longer a Christian nation.American as a christian nation
no, he is wrong. we never were, per the treaty below.Obama is right, we are no longer a Christian nation.
Treaty Between the United States and Tripoli (1796)
Article 11.
As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, —
This is a good point, but I think it would be difficult to negate the clearly Christian underpinnings of our Nation’s development. It is true, it was not intended to be :founded on the Christian Religion", or any religion. The Pilgrims came here to escape from Nations whose government was inextricably entertwined with the Christian religion.reaty Between the United States and Tripoli (1796)
Article 11.
As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,
To my knowledge, none of them.Which of those values are specifically and exclusively Christian?
you are correct.The difference is that the vast majority of the popluation in those days embraced Christian values, where as now, not anymore.
It is a good question. I find it ironic that the Puritans arriving here to escape Anglicanism perpetrated the same rules upon others that had been imposed upon them. They wanted freedom of religion for themselves, but no one else! They were very disgusted when some non-Puritan passengers were permitted in the ships and colonies., many of the founders were deist.
without the deist, would we have left the mother country?
That’s not ironic, that’s just human nature.I find it ironic that the Puritans arriving here to escape Anglicanism perpetrated the same rules upon others that had been imposed upon them. They wanted freedom of religion for themselves, but no one else!