Do you think this is just mental illness or could it be possession?

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I know a man who is very, very strange. I’ve always thought he had a personality disorder, but lately I’ve been wondering if there could be negative spiritual forces involved.
He is normally, and appears to people who don’t know him well, a pleasant, witty, reasonable and easygoing person, but for no apparent reason he has episodes of really bizarre behavior - screaming obscenities and blasphemy, breaking things, violence, paranoid accusations and threats. Frequently it seems to be triggered by religious things - Sundays, Holy days, the mention of religion, someone praying or even the presence of someone who has recently taken communion. He claims to be a Catholic, but doesn’t attend Mass and has a lot of anger towards those he considers “fanatical” (read: practicing) Catholics. I know he has been involved in various pagan religions in the past, as well as bisexuality and orgies. Could he be under demonic influence? If so, what to do? This person is a family member, so I can’t just avoid him.
I know a man who is very, very strange. I’ve always thought he had a personality disorder, but lately I’ve been wondering if there could be negative spiritual forces involved.
He is normally, and appears to people who don’t know him well, a pleasant, witty, reasonable and easygoing person, but for no apparent reason he has episodes of really bizarre behavior - screaming obscenities and blasphemy, breaking things, violence, paranoid accusations and threats. Frequently it seems to be triggered by religious things - Sundays, Holy days, the mention of religion, someone praying or even the presence of someone who has recently taken communion. He claims to be a Catholic, but doesn’t attend Mass and has a lot of anger towards those he considers “fanatical” (read: practicing) Catholics. I know he has been involved in various pagan religions in the past, as well as bisexuality and orgies. Could he be under demonic influence? If so, what to do? This person is a family member, so I can’t just avoid him.
Sounds suspicious. Anyone not in the state of grace is in the possession of the devil. But not always fully possessed. If you can, ask him about his strange behaviour. See what he says. I would think about putting a few miraculous medals around his house, where he will never find them. pray the rosary for him. And have several Masses offered up for him.
poster has described to a T the actions of certain family members. in their case the behavior results from psychological disorders with clearly discerned roots in childhood experiences. both refuse counselling or therapy of any type so are behind the help of anything but constant prayer, fasting and consigning them to the Divine Mercy.
This person is a family member, so I can’t just avoid him.
Keep your contact to a minimum, and speak of very general non-inflamatory subjects. I would definitely not speak directly with this person about this situation, especially since he has been involved in pagan rituals. You have no idea of the extent of the danger to which you are exposing yourself.

Another possibility is substance abuse–either drugs or alcohol.

Also please seek the advice of a priest, if you truly want to help this person. You also have no idea who is responding to you on the internet.

And pray very hard for this person, as well as yourself and the rest of the family.
I’d be praying hard for this person. But also I would avoid him at all costs if he has been mixed up with anything even remotely connected to satanism or black magic etc.

As to what could it be - I guess it could be mental illness or it could be something more negatively spritual, perhaps both!!! Takes experts to state categorically I’d say.
I know a man who is very, very strange. I’ve always thought he had a personality disorder, but lately I’ve been wondering if there could be negative spiritual forces involved.
He is normally, and appears to people who don’t know him well, a pleasant, witty, reasonable and easygoing person, but for no apparent reason he has episodes of really bizarre behavior - screaming obscenities and blasphemy, breaking things, violence, paranoid accusations and threats.** Frequently it seems to be triggered by religious things - Sundays, Holy days, the mention of religion, someone praying or even the presence of someone who has recently taken communion. He claims to be a Catholic, but doesn’t attend Mass and has a lot of anger towards those he considers “fanatical” (read: practicing) Catholics. I know he has been involved in various pagan religions in the past**, as well as bisexuality and orgies. Could he be under demonic influence? If so, what to do? This person is a family member, so I can’t just avoid him.

The highlighted sentances denote some type of “infestation” or manefestation of an evil spirit, especially the agitation against someone whe just took communion!

The screaming and throwing things denote Bi-Polar Syndrome or manic depression. I have known several manic -depressives and the do not react to religious things or people. The involvment in Pagan Religions is a bad sign.

If you wear a crucifix, place it outside your shirt so he can see it. Do not mention it. See his reaction. Demon Spirits can cause a reaction to a crucifix. If he gets agitated at the cricifix talk to your priest and tell him what you saw! Then it is the priests job.

The symptoms you describe are typical of a person who is BEING INFLUENCED BY DEMONS.
I would further suggest you peruse the web link below. This site is devoted to dealing with these problems. You will find more good advice.
I have heard of people testing for demonic influence by hiding crucifixes on themselves and seeing how the person responds to them. Be careful, pray for him and yourself the best way to protect yourself is to stay close to God. God is BIG, compared to Him satan is little.
Often tiems there is a combination between personality disorders and some sort of demonic interference. Be very careful. He may have participated in rituals. If such is the case, raising the situation may not only be a danger to you, but also to himself.

Talk to a priest who you know and trust for advice, but in terms of healing, I believe that the person involved has to want it on some deeper level, even if he is influenced by forces that permit him from seeking the help he needs, in order for anything constructive to come of it.

Has he ever had a psychological evaluation or treatment before? Has he ever confided that he feels he might need that sort of help?

A trained priest could advise you of the name of people trained in both psyichiatry and deliverance that could be of help, as well as how to raise the issue or if it shoudl be raised. Prayer is always of help.
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