Doctor admits euthanising babies

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Things like that make you realise how merciful God is:nope: Because if we had the power God does this world would be long due for a smackdown:mad:
Things like that make you realise how merciful God is:nope: Because if we had the power God does this world would be long due for a smackdown:mad:

The problem with Abortions is that when people have them keeps getting LATER and LATER. Remember, it started with First Trimester Abortions - Then 2nd Trimester - then Late term and live birth…And, now Terri Schiavo and THIS!

I wonder when people are going to GET THE POINT?

I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live,

Deuteronomy 30:19. NAB

Remember, we have the DEMOCRATIC Filibuster of PRO-LIFE Judicial Nominees that needs to be broken. If we aren’t making some sort of progress the fight against the enemies of life and of God’s Little Ones, the forces of Darkness will be the ones making the progress:

End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test

Just read the thread and follow the directions in Posts # 10 and 20:

Please help me and those who are working on this to hand the forces of darkness a big DEFEAT so that we can get at least one of two PRO- LIFE SZupreme Court Justices.

ROE v. WADE is the Dread Scott of out ager andf need s to ber OVERTURNED.

Thank You.

May Bod Richly bless those who act to save His Little Ones, Michael
Thankyou,Michael and keep posting this I received an e-mail from reclaiming Americal that said this campaign is making head way.👍 God Bless:)
Things like that make you realise how merciful God is:nope: Because if we had the power God does this world would be long due for a smackdown:mad:
oh yeah:yup:
This is what we get in a world which sees no value to suffering. Thus the avoidance of suffering has a higher calling than the dignity and protection of life. The whole quality of life argument is such a throwback to Hitler that comparisons are difficult to avoid.

This is what we get in a world which sees no value to suffering. Thus the avoidance of suffering has a higher calling than the dignity and protection of life. The whole quality of life argument is such a throwback to Hitler that comparisons are difficult to avoid.

Your point about the suffering is very well made. I had not actually thought of the abortion debate in that way. thank you for an insight.
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