Doctor Confirms Earlier Report of New Orleans Mercy Killings

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Since the Hurrican 2005 forum is closing, I decided to post this one here since it deals with euthaniasia:
Doctor Confirms Earlier Report of New Orleans Mercy Killings

The New Orleans doctor who claims that hospital patients were euthanized in the days following Hurricane Katrina has tacitly confirmed a NewsMax report from a month ago.

The September 12 NewsMax story, which originated in the respected British newspaper the Daily Mail, revealed that critically ill patients who were likely to die were injected with morphine and "laid down in a dark place to die.”

Full Story
Since the Hurrican 2005 forum is closing, I decided to post this one here since it deals with euthaniasia:PF

I saw the same report on CNN. it seems that the staff at Memorial Hospital got so desparate that one of them pulled out some syringes filled with Sedatives and barbituates (“Hotshots”) and, after some debate, gave some of them to the most critically ill patients who were in the most distress.

Staff at New Orleans hospital debated euthanizing patients

In the staff’s defense, some of them clearly told the people who did this that is was wrong, and this happened during a time when the staff weren’t eating (they had no food) and they were being kept alive by IV Hydration (every 4 hours, they would administer a liter of saline solution to each Intravenously).

I know a former head of the American Association of Physicians Assistants who was in contact with a member of the staff by text messenge. He broke down and sobbed when he described the situation as it was occuring.

This doesn’t make the Euthanasia any less wrong, but it does explain the incredible stress that caused a member of the staff who wasn’t firmly grounded in Our Lord to figure out that the best thing he could do was to kill his patients.

The best guarantor of morality isn’t a moral education, but a firm grounding in our Lord combined with good teaching and a solid moral education.

Some 11 years ago, some nurses on a hospital staff wanted to do the same with me because MY postoperative pain wasn’t being managed, and I was being difficult to deal with and was not going to get any better.

I’m here today because a surgeon who was firmly grounded in our Lord refused to let them give me the “Hotshot” and someone else figured out how to deal with my pain and allow me to recover.

Praise be to Jesus Christ.

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