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So, God doesn’t usually say right out what he wants me to do, but I’m 90% sure I’m being pointed towards being a doctor after I finish college. I’ve got the “getting into medical school” part in hand; what I’d like to know, from any doctors or relatives of doctors out there, is how free you are to prescribe what you want if you’re working, say, with publicly funded “community care”. For instance, I’m not willing to prescribe oral contraceptives, even for the off-label uses like endometriosis, b/c they’ve got some nasty side effects which aren’t worth it and there are alternate treatments for the various woman problems they’re used to treat. I get the feeling this is something you could get sued over, like the pharmacists who refuse to dispense them… am I right in saying this?
I suggest you go to Physicians for Life and ask questions there regarding doctors’ experiences. Also, has a list of NFP-only doctors so you might contact a couple of them and ask them about your concerns.
since there are a few doctors around here who make it know to their patients that they will neither prescribe contraceptives nor make referrals for “family planning” or abortions, there must not be any legal repercussions, although it could certainly impact their practice and earning power significantly. What I have heard over and over from med students however, and I know a lot through my years in the university setting, is that it is nearly impossible to complete a residency without performing an abortion, and nearly impossible to get a residency if you stipulate you will not do so. Freedom of choice does not seem to have penetrated there.
What I have heard over and over from med students however, and I know a lot through my years in the university setting, is that it is nearly impossible to complete a residency without performing an abortion, and nearly impossible to get a residency if you stipulate you will not do so. Freedom of choice does not seem to have penetrated there.
I’ve been told the odds of getting a residency aren’t actually hurt that much because they can put you with a hospital that will accommodate you (which was the main thing holding me back). However, I am trying to contact someone at One More Soul to help out.
although it could certainly impact their practice and earning power significantly. .
I’m assuming you mean negatively…

I’m sure thats true in some places, but not where I am. Almost all of the docs that are NFP-only (of all kinds of specialties) are not taking new patients, and have waiting lists. No matter what specialty, I will always try to patronize an NFP-only doc first.
Follow-up: I contacted one of the doctors at One More Soul, and he was very encouraging. He also referred me to a couple of medical students who were able to help me out about how med school works. So, 1ke, thanks for referring me over there.
Follow-up: I contacted one of the doctors at One More Soul, and he was very encouraging. He also referred me to a couple of medical students who were able to help me out about how med school works. So, 1ke, thanks for referring me over there.
You are welcome.

Networking is KEY in your field, especially for doctors with moral and ethical values they do not intend to compromise. Starting to do that now is very prudent and can help you avoid problems down the road. Also, keep the Thomas More Law Center and American Center For Law & Justice in mind-- they take pro-life cases & have represented students & doctors who were being discriminated against for their ethical stands.
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