Documentary on rap videos

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Saw a bit over half of it. The guy who made this documantary ALMOST gets it. He was SO close. He is right on that hip hop is all about glorifying violence, selfishness, sexual objectification of women and a generally twisted vision of manhood.

But instead of having the courage to call these thugs traitors to all their fellow black men, he chickens out at the last second and blames it all on white record company executives. ARGGHHH! The MAN strikes again. sigh.

He failed in that he settled for finding a scapegoat that ‘caused’ it all instead of profiling what healthy manhood really is. Instead of calling for REAL black men to repudiate the ‘bad is good’ culture of hip hop, to embrace a life of sacrifice for the betterment of ones loved ones (i.e. real manhood) he implies that hip hop would be fine if it hadn’t been exploited for money by rich white guys.

Once again, the liberal establishment is sharp eyed in identifying a real problem, but blind as a bat about the cause of that problem. Instead of seeing that the cause is the fallen nature of ALL men and that the only possible solution is rejection of the false manhood and acceptance of Grace and forgiveness in Christ. He may be quite right that there are rich white guys making tons of money off rappers. He couldn’t be more wrong in asserting that this is the root of the evil in that culture. The root is the selfishness inherent to all fallen men. The hip hop culture is merely what happens when the most base instincts in all men are allowed to be expressed without any check by cultural mores. And he is correct to note that this culture is in no way limited to the black community. Millions of rich suburban white boys pump up Snoop Dog in daddy’s car and mouth all the foul words. An omen of what is to come…
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