Destruction raises questions of obstruction of justice in legal battle over child rape medical records.
operationrescue.orgWICHITA, KS - Sep 05, 2005 Hundreds of medical documents were shredded on Friday, September 2, 2005 at Women’s Health Care Services, the late-term abortion mill run by the notorious George R. Tiller. This occurred just days before oral arguments are to be heard by the Kansas Supreme Court on September 8 in the dispute between Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline and Tiller over Kline’s demand for medical records in his criminal investigations of child rape and possible illegal late
term abortions.
Two large trucks from Security Shredding & Recycling, Inc., parked in the abortion mill parking lot while employees brought out box after box of what appeared to be medical records for shredding. When asked about the shredding, Tiller security guard Carl Sweeney flippantly replied, “Everybody’s got to clean house.”