Does anyone ever pray to OT Saints?

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I know I sure don’t. As far as I’ve found, they don’t have specific patronages (could be wrong), and some of them I don’t know enough about to know where to begin. For example, the prophet Joel (my namesake). Nothing is known about him, his life, his family, etc.

So how about it? Any of you pray to them?
Dear friend

I ask for the intercession of Elijah and Abraham. Some schools think they are rather symbolic figures than actual persons, I believe they are actual persons as well as symbolic in some senses.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

I ask for the intercession of Elijah and Abraham. Some schools think they are rather symbolic figures than actual persons, I believe they are actual persons as well as symbolic in some senses.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


There are 32 of them in the old Roman Martrology 🙂

My favourite is Moses, easily 🙂 IMO he is a model for theologians a model of prayerfulness, and the greatest of OT Saints 🙂

“Enoch walked with God…” - so he is another who is admirable.

I wish more was made of them in the Roman Liturgy - I wish we could keep the feast of the Maccabees on August 1, as the Church used to ##
A friend of mine took Moses as her patron saint when she was confirmed into the Church last Easter Vigil. First time I had heard of an OT saint for confirmation.
Ukrainians possess devotion to St Prophet Ieremija whose Holy Day is May 1. Perhaps feel that Ieremija weeping over Ierusalim after Navukhodnosor destroys country was giving hope to Kyivan Rus people after Tartars destroing country. Simple people turned to St. Ieremija and often named children after this Saint.
The Carmelite Order has St Elijah the Prophet as its spiritual Father (and Our lady of Mt Carmel, of course, as spiritual mother). These two are the giants in the Carmelite Order…
My daughter’s name is “Aoife”, which is Irish for Eve. We therefore include “St. Eve” in our evening litany (along with all our family patrons)
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