I met someone recently and naturally I was discussing my Catholic Faith with them and I even asked them to attend Mass with me and they got all defensive and started spouting out all these Anti-Catholic statements…you know, the ones we always hear about praying to statues and worshiping Mary…etc. Anyway, I countered all of those things, but I couldn’t dissect their religion because I know absolutely nothing about it. Does anyone have any 1st hand knowledge or second hand knowledge about these people and their beliefs…I already read the website, so I am looking for personal knowledge or word of mouth, etc…All I know is that this person told me that the whole congregation speaks in tongues every Sunday and they have healings, and Communion once a month…and the way they described it, it sounds like they are Fundamentalist who are way more strict than Southern Baptist and I know first hand how they can be, considering I am a convert from that herectical religion. Please help me.