Such as people who are more like loners, lone wolf types or simply folks who prefer solitude and silence (preferably in a solitary manner)? Could this help explain why some parishes aren’t exactly known for their fellowship, community and hospitality (pardon if the question comes across as offensive, it’s something I thought of right now and I realized, how offensive it could (probably does) come across? That also said, do you think Catholicism is also a boon for those types of persons because we offer the spirituality of religious like that of the hermits and contemplatives (I’m oversimplifying/caricaturing monastic traditions and spirituality aren’t I?) that could be compatible to their dispositions and temperaments because of a emphasis on the interior life and forms of worship that are more attuned to their flavor (something more “peaceful” and “quiet” for them so to speak)? Pardon if I am offending anyone.
Do you think certain religions, faiths and denomination communities attract people with a certain personality? Or is it more of who runs the community or the combination of personalities that determines which communities attracts which people?
Do you think certain religions, faiths and denomination communities attract people with a certain personality? Or is it more of who runs the community or the combination of personalities that determines which communities attracts which people?
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