Do you mean that a thing has value if it “helps” something? That is what I firstly thought. But it seems to be problematic. If a thing has value because it helps something (for example, a person has value because he/she helps another person or contributes to the society), then it seems that the “something” must have value at first. Because, if A helps B but B doesn’t have value, then how can this make A have value? However, if A has value because A helps B and also B has value, then what makes B have value? B may have value because B helps C and also C has value. But again, what makes C have value? This will be an infinite chain, which seems to be problematic. So, it seems that at least some thing must have value because of itself, not because of its relationship with other things (that it “helps” other things), or otherwise perhaps nothing have value. But, does anything have value because of itself? If so, how to prove it?