Does God "get mad at me"?

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“God will get mad at you!” “Here comes the lightning bolt!”

Does God get mad?

Asking this, I’m really considering the following:
Does God have emotion?

YES or NO ?

Please explain. Is there Church teaching on this?
I do sometimes feel as if He’s been punishing me and that He’s angry at me. I just wonder when He’ll stop punishing me.
My dear friends,

I understand how you feel, but…

Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, so I love you.” Note that this didn’t mean that Jesus didn’t suffer. But he’s affirming enormous love for us!

Read Luke chapter 15, for what Jesus reveals to us of God’s mercy to sinners, to you, to me, “the lost sheep”, “the lost drachma (coin)”, “the prodigal son”

God " is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked." Luke 6:35. “Love your ememies, and pray for those who persecute you; and in this way you will be sons of your Father in heaven, for he causes his sun to rise on bad men as well as good, his rain to fall on honest and dishonest men alike.” [Matt. 5:44-45]

God corrects the sinner as a good parent must, because He loves him. It seems like anger but desires the child’s true good.
The process of correction can be very painful: “I will smelt away your dross in the furnace; I will remove all your base metal from you.” [Isaiah 1:25]
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!

“…though I have fallen, I shall rise; though I live in darkness, God is my light. I must suffer the anger of God, for I have sinned against Him, until He takes up my cause and rights my wrongs; He will bring me out into the light and I shall rejoice to see the rightness of His ways.” [Micah 7:8-9]

Love, Trishie
“God will get mad at you!” “Here comes the lightning bolt!”

Does God get mad?

Asking this, I’m really considering the following:
Does God have emotion?

YES or NO ?
Please explain. Is there Church teaching on this?

God has no emotions: for emotions imply potentiality, alteration, imperfection, finiteness, materiality, & having parts - all of which are absent from God, Who is Spirit. 🙂

Language suggests otherwise is analogical or metaphorical - this is not deceptive, but a gracious condescension to us who do not know what God is, but do know something of His creatures. So He is spoken of as though He were a creature 🙂 - for He is addressing creatures, beings “of very Little Brain”, as it were.

Any passage that denies that the things listed above are qualities of God is at least indirectly a denial of emotion in God.

God’s Love is not impersonal, but the other way round: it is so infinitely Personal, that our love is hardly personal at all. God is “More” than man - not less, not at all. :eek: 🙂 Emotion is like water trickling from a tap - God’s Love is a bit like an infinite ocean filling all created beings. We know emotion, & have language for it - but there is no language adequate to speak of God; which makes it possible for God to seem less than man 🤷 1 Corinthians 2.9 may help 🙂
God has no emotions?

then he shouldn’t need anything for need is an emotion.

He needs us to worship Him and to adore Him above all.

God has no emotions.

Oh baloney.
God has no emotions?

then he shouldn’t need anything for need is an emotion.

He needs us to worship Him and to adore Him above all.

God has no emotions.

Oh baloney.
Well … Need is not an emotion and God does not need anything, including our worship. :whacky:

But of course our Lord had emotions in his human nature, which the gospels make clear.

But emotions cannot be commanded and God certainly has command over his own person.

And yet I know God gets angry with me, and is pleased with me, and has empathy with me, and hates the death of his beloved because the bible tells me so.

So for my two cents, within the mystery of God’s person is the mystery of emotion.
God has no emotions?

then he shouldn’t need anything for need is an emotion.

He needs us to worship Him and to adore Him above all.

God has no emotions.

Oh baloney.

The author of Psalm 50 knew that God has no need of anything. Creatures are needy - that goes with being created, for creatures are by definition dependent on their Creator, & are nothing without Him. The only needy gods are those of the nations outside Israel - their gods were dependent on their worshippers; but the God of Israel was not. He has no adorers whom He needs - creatures gain by being created to adore Him, but God does not: on the contrary, they exist only because He confers on them all & any good that is in them.​

God can have needs only by becoming man, for it is man who needs God. If God needs anything at all, then He is not infinite, & cannot be gracious; for grace expresses His infinite freedom from all limitation, such as indebtedness to another. He becomes a mere god, & is not God. 😦
Sorry, but God demands we worship him. That is a need.
No. God demands we love him for the fulfillment of our own nature, for our happiness, for our good - not His. He does not need our worship.

Have it your way and Satan (the Accuser) was correct in the Garden - God made a subservient puppet to satisfy Himself. Our creation is, then, a mockery, and our suffering a monstrous atrocity, all to the ego of God. Even sounds like Satan, doesn’t it?

And if God has needs he cannot be God. A need implies a lack of something. A lack of something implies limitation. Limitation implies finity.Finity implies mortality.
If God has no needs then why create us?

And personally, I vehemently disagree.

If God is perfect in all ways there is no desire, no need. He should not have created us if He has no need. Period.

Instead he demands that we worship him, or as you call it, love. Any kind of demand is a need. Why make a demand if you can not need in any way shape or form?

Any kind of demand is a need, and just because He needs does not mean he cannot be God.

And if there is something He cannot do then He has limitations and cannot be omnipotent.
If God has no needs then why create us?

And personally, I vehemently disagree.

If God is perfect in all ways there is no desire, no need. He should not have created us if He has no need. Period.

Instead he demands that we worship him, or as you call it, love. Any kind of demand is a need. Why make a demand if you can not need in any way shape or form?

Any kind of demand is a need, and just because He needs does not mean he cannot be God.

And if there is something He cannot do then He has limitations and cannot be omnipotent.
Doyyng! :whacky:

Your vehement disagreement notwithstanding, God can have no need and be God. He has a will which, when exercised, can be received as a demand, but that is not evidence of a need.

You have finally at long last hit it, though - why did he make us if he didn’t need us? In fact, as the primary being, complete within himself, his act of creation was at a personal sacrifice, completely unnecessary. And so - creation can only be explained by God’s selflessness and by love. He made us that he might share his complete happiness; he made us for our own happiness.
Hi Biggie,

Thank you for defending reason. On another forum, I once was involved in a similar discussion where some people argued that Jesus was still suffering for our sins. A lot of this comes from a wrong religious education, where as children, we were told that being bad made Jesus cry, Stuff like that.

However, with the word “sacrifice”, I think you fall into a similar trap. “Selflessness” would be more lilke it.

Hi Biggie,

Thank you for defending reason. On another forum, I once was involved in a similar discussion where some people argued that Jesus was still suffering for our sins. A lot of this comes from a wrong religious education, where as children, we were told that being bad made Jesus cry, Stuff like that.

However, with the word “sacrifice”, I think you fall into a similar trap. “Selflessness” would be more lilke it.

Quite right. I am corrected. But I am really surprised by the need to have the discussion thinking this is really very basic, so I am a little out of practice at working through it. Thanks.
I love this website…
I accept as postulate that we are all children of God.
What we sometimes perceive as anger is probably more along the lines of discipline;or chastisement.If you’ve felt the tug of the Holy Spirit,but haven’t felt ‘attrition’,let alone ‘contrition’,then it probably feels like God is punishing you.
People whose lives are all messed up and blame God for it are usually fighting His call.
Others are just out and out rebellious,so he turns them over to their own devices and they receive thier just reward.I THINK this is temporal punishment ,what some people like to call kharma.The 'my name is earl ’ syndrome.
If you accept salvation(and that is what is required;i.e.,“acceptance”) then you give Him free reign as your Heavenly Father to behave as a loving,caring,nurturing father would behave.
Sometimes you gotta stand in the corner.
I also believe that Our Father loves us so much that he couldn’t stand to see us in any pain,so He would never under any circumstances use corporeal punishment to get our attention.
The devil,on the otherhand,will more than likely attempt to cause you to believe otherwise
So,NO,I don’t think God gets mad at you.or at least not the way I think you’re asking the question…🤷
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