Does God give each of us a mission?

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Does God give each of us a mission? If so how do we find out what it is? How can I complete it if I don’t know what it is? I have prayed over this a while now and nothing is being revealed, same thing with my talent, I am not really good at anything, I’ve prayed that God would reveal my talent also and still nothing. Isn’t it a sin to waste your talent? I don’t even know what it is? Same with my mission!!
Your mission is to live each day for the greater glory of God, to see him everywhere present and have recourse to him often.

Mother Teresa one said that we may not be called to do the extraordinary things in life but all are called to a common mission of doing all the ordinary everyday things in an extraordinary way giving thanks and praise to God for being able to do it. We should do all through him, with him, in him and for him. In the words of St Paul you are called “To live a life worthy of your vocation”

Jesus Christ himself gave us the greatest mission to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and to love one another just as Christ has loved us.

After that your mission is to follow all the commandements of God in Christ and His Holy Church.

Be careful asking the Lord for more. Remember the parable of the rich young man!

Each and every time someone turns to you and says ‘Thank you’ , you have just used some of your God given talents and have fulfilled a role in a very positive manner. When someone thanks you it is becuase they have seen quality on your behalf. Recognise this as the occassion where you have used some of your talents very well. It is from these moments that fruit will accumulate, either for you or for the person you have just helped.

By all means keep praying that the Lord guide you. Reach out and be led. Don’t be watching too closely or worrying about wheres and whens and hows. This is exactly how Peter started sinking into the sea after the Lord had invited him to Come to him over the water. As soon as he took his eyes off Christ he started to sink.

Don’t worry about so many things, choose the better part and follow Christ wherever He wishes to lead you. Sit at the Masters feet and lear from Him. Remember that the act of giving a cup of cold water to one who is thirsty is fulfilling a mission with your talents.

If you live as an 'Alter Christus (another Christ), then have no fear. You will accomplish your mission and will have produced interest without measure on all your talents.

God Bless you
Great answer Fergal ( as always!).

You are married and a parent. That is also your mission - a huge important one at that. To raise your children with a strong faith, to love your wife and be the head of your family leading them closer to Christ.

Trust that God will reveal His plan in His time and rest in Him.
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