quote ]
“And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, t
o know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:” Genesis 3:22
Does God have the capacity to choose evil? If yes, why hasn’t he chosen evil? If no, then how does he know the difference between good and evil?
/quote ]
This reminds me of the challenge from atheists against God’s omnipotence.
“Can God create a rock so heavy He cannot carry it?”
So, the challenge about God choosing evil is a sub-question on the omnipotence of God.
Like this:
“Can God choose to do an act so evil He cannot do it?”
Let us everyone work on this conundrum.
From my part, the challenge is not a valid statement because it contains within itself a self-contradiction on the part of the challenger.
What about you guys who I assume will not take to the validity of Centerpoint’s assertion?
Before anything else, he is into making God an impossible entity, so there is no God, not in respect of omnipotence and omni-goodness.
Try to work on the basis of human experiences on how a man can do something and cannot do something, but can talk about anything and everything even the most absurd and ridiculous like an infinite regress.
Or a nothing that is the origin of everything, as with a notorious semantics trickster like Krauss.