Dear Robert. I was once told that God does not “feel” as we do. We tend to attribute human emotions to God such as anger, love, and such. I don’t know the answer. The same person-who was more versed in theology and the understanding of the OT than I was, said that God “is” and therefor without all the human weaknesses of emotions as we know them. As I look back at that person’s teaching, again I have to say I just don’t know. The two things I am sure of is that God DOES love us and that we will be judged one day. Sometimes I think that God leaves Love and Justice up to us and we, in the end , judge ourselves, and receive Love as we give it. My mind is like a sponge with lots of little cellular openings left for soaking up new information, spiritual enlightenments, understanding of God’s mysteries. The point is that we can never fully understand God and that is why He is a mystery. So you see, I just don’t know. Forgive me, one and all as I am just made in His image and not a clone. Peace.