God only demands what is right and good for man, such as His command to refrain from eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or the commandents which followed the fall or His desire for us to come to faith in Him and His gospel. He knows what’s good for us while we don’t always know it, which, of course, is the reason to begin with for the disorder we find in our world. So it doesn’t really matter what man demands. What matters is for all of us to find the will of God, come to agree with it, and follow it. I think it’s interesting that, by the Ten Commandments, we’re commanded, not to do something against our nature, but actually commanded, to simply love. This should point to a major fault or failing in us. The only other alternative is that God was laying some arbitrary rules on us to make our lives harder. I think this is a similar situation to a demand for worship. It’s not because Gods’ some big egomaniac in the sky that He expects this. Demands for worship are always pride-related for humans. But for Him, it’s simply the right order of things for His creation to know and love Him because of the truth- regarding His awesomeness, infinite love, perfection, etc. We think we’re losing something whenever we humble ourselves but this is the problem of pride which separates us from Him and to humble ourselves before One so worthy is mans’ true righteousness. What seems like a demand now should at some point become our own will and desire but that’s a part of the process called metanoia.