Does God Not Give Some People The Gift of Discernment?

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Why are so many people so wrong about so many different things?
Not all gifts are given in an equal measure to everyone. There is only one Lord but a multitude of gifts. Spiritus flat ubi vult — the Spirit blows or flies wherever it wants.

Poor judgment has always accompanied mankind — ever since the Garden of Eden — and while our times do stand out somewhat, I’m not sure they can even be described as singularly the worst period in human history for prudence, reason and sound thinking, or discernment, or good counsel.

I would look for reasons in the education system and in the philosophies of individualism (self before others, individual before collective/society), hedonism (pleasure and good feeling first before duty, obligations or ethical rules), immediate reward, a sort of luxuria consisting in the avoidance of intellectual or other effort, toil and labour, and the general demand for big rewards for small, token or superficial effort. As though, for example, good grades were a human right and not something to be earned and strictly reflective of actual knowledge and skill, so that others could safely rely on the promises implied by a grade, degree or certificate. It’s the same outside the education system really.

People want affirmation and praise even for qualities they don’t possess and achievements they don’t have — look at politicians and companies (versus consumers) demanding recognition while not quite having earned it.

So basically people want easy mode with increased rewards. Less work to do than previous generations had to do, but bigger rewards than previous generations could hope for.

Hence you have so much incompetence, intellectual laziness and failure to actually use whatever intelligence and knowledge people do have (which is usually quite a lot, but the problem is the avoidance of effort).
Beats me. If everybody would just acknowledge that I’m right things would be a lot better. J/K
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I like a saying by Fr. Mitch Pacwa: “I can pour a bucket of water over you but if your mouth is closed you won’t drink any of it”.
Conversely the Holy Spirit can pour all the graces and virtues of the Universe but if your heart and mind are closed GOD will not force you to accept them.
There must be some level of cooperation by us.

In Matthew’s gospel Jesus says ‘Many are called but few are chosen.’ Notice that He says MANY not ALL. People who are not well disposed are not called at all. They have chosen themselves over God so no gift is given to them.
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