Does God Occupy Your First & Last Thought During The Day?

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As a kid, I picked up the habit of offering my day to God when I get up in the morning. And much later in school, I acquired the habit of praying 3 Hail Mary’s before going to bed and reciting the act of contrition…Does God occupy your first and last thought during your day?
I must say that God always occupies my thoughts as I am retiring for the evening–I always say many prayers as I lay in bed, many Jesus prayers and many Hail Mary’s and always the Lord’s Prayer and usually the Act of Contrition as well. In the morning I am much slower to say prayers–of course I always bless myself but often forget to actually offer my day to the Lord, even though I know how important this is. Once I am in the car on the way to a job, however, I usually end up praying in my car while I am driving and remember then to turn my life over to Him. Many times during the day, though, I pray and remember to turn to Him and this helps me immensely. Good question, friend! May God bless you always!
Dear friend

A great and deep question !

I am very grumpy in the morning and am not at all a morning person. It is a fault of mine and God knows that I am not at my best in the morning. I always pray that I will not suffer any trial first thing in the morning as I am not going to do well in it!

Despite my grumpiness every morning which lasts for about 10 minutes or so, I offer a small prayer stating my inadequacy and ask the Lord to forgive me, I give my day to Him at this point and ask Him to be with me all of the day and always. I thank Him for the new day and always think of the Hymn ‘Morning Has Broken’ and St Therese of Liseux prayer ‘Just for Today’

I recollect and am brought to recollection throughout the day and imperfectly strive to remain in the Presence of God throughout the day.

I pray set prayers throughout the day at certain times and offer daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, with some exception when others duties call, such as family committments, those days, The Blessed Virgin Mother Mary demands I remain with my family.

Evening prayer and then I offer prayers before I sleep. I pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet at different times of the day from day to day.

All of these prayers are useless if my heart isn’t in it and raised to God, but the constant striving is what really matters. If I forget or I omit a prayer, there is no point scolding myself, I simply have to strive harder and trust the Lord knows my intentions and is so very Merciful.

The best prayer I have found is to do everything in His love and to do all things in love, to only speak and think and act in love.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I admit I took the multiple choice option and pick “yes” and “sometimes”. With God’s grace, I hope to shift that over to yes all the time.:o
Yes! God is my first thought when I awake and the last thought before I go to sleep. During the day I try to live in His Presence, making little aspirations, (Jesus I love you, Jesus,mercy, My Lord, my God, my ALL)… offering my work and everything I do a prayer…—All for Him—

Blessed Be God Forever…:amen:
I have got into the habit of praying with the Children when I put them to bed. We say

Angel of God
Come Holy Spirit
Hail Holy Queen
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory be

It’s nice and it’s a routine. It’s also got them used to some prayers they didn’t know before. What morning offering do posters use?
Absolutley, I also put on the armour of God every mourning and again at night.Its foolish to attempt to go out there with no defence,We will be defeated without Gods Armour :eek: God Bless
Well, my first thought of the morning (or in the case of days where I’ve worked through the previous night, my first thought of the afternoon) isn’t always under my control, depending on what I was dreaming about just before I woke up (and get your minds out of the gutter; I wasn’t talking about nasty dreams). However, I do turn my thoughts very quickly to prayer.

The last thought at night/in the morning is much easier to control, and most of the time I manage to go sleep in the middle of a prayer.

Last thought definitely…frist though…not so sure. I start my mronigns with the offering and prayers, but the first thought when I wake unfortunately and honestly is “I need to run to the toilet.”:rolleyes:
first,last and most in-between. Praise His Holy name!
Daily Eucharist!!
first,last and most in-between. Praise His Holy name!
Daily Eucharist!!
WIth His grace, I try to think of God, morning, noon, and night and ALL times in between. I even pray before I go to bed that even my dreams while asleep will be pleasing to Him.

God IS with Us!
I wish it was true, but I would be lying if I said yes. Waking up, in a rush to be someplace important, usually doing work for the parish, of course I am too busy for morning prayer - can you think of a dumber excuse not to pray? Last thing at night after waiting 45 minutes for kids to be picked up after CCD, I am “too tired” to pray, how lame can you get. Of course if I need to stop for a taco and coffee on the way to work, or check my email before bed, I can find time and energy for that, but not to pray. Actually, God probably does occupy my last thought before falling asleep, as I am making my excuses to Him, promising to do better tomorrow (yawn).
I try to do so as often as I can, though sometimes, human that I am, I too can forget, I too can fall. But I’ve always known He is never far from me, that when I stumble, I always believe that His hand would be there, ready to carry me up, and help me resume my journey in this life, beside Him, until the end.

Gerry 🙂
Yes! God is my first thought when I awake and the last thought before I go to sleep. During the day I try to live in His Presence, making little aspirations, (Jesus I love you, Jesus,mercy, My Lord, my God, my ALL)… offering my work and everything I do a prayer…—All for Him—

Blessed Be God Forever…:amen:
Great answer my sentiments exactly, where would I be, God is so awesome and listens to me all day in my joy and in my sorrow. All for the Glory of God!
I hope so—I go to Mass at 7:30 am so i am thinking about Jesus when i wake up & i think that it is my last thought at night also—i try to pray to Him throughtout the day also—I am happy to see that there are so many other people who devote their lives to Jesus also
The month of February and the liturgical season of Lent should help me put God at the summit of all my activities.
Putting the holy mass at the center of our day would help us live presence of God thoughout the day.
I must say that God always occupies my thoughts as I am retiring for the evening–I always say many prayers as I lay in bed, many Jesus prayers and many Hail Mary’s and always the Lord’s Prayer and usually the Act of Contrition as well. In the morning I am much slower to say prayers–of course I always bless myself but often forget to actually offer my day to the Lord, even though I know how important this is. Once I am in the car on the way to a job, however, I usually end up praying in my car while I am driving and remember then to turn my life over to Him. Many times during the day, though, I pray and remember to turn to Him and this helps me immensely. Good question, friend! May God bless you always!
Speaking of driving in the car, here’s a prayer:
Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me a steady hand and watchful eye, that none be hurt as I pass by. You gave life. I pray no act of mine take away or mar that gift divine. Protect those, Lord, who travel with me from highway dangers and all anxiety. Teach me to use my car for others’ needs and never miss the beauty of Your world through excessive speed. I pledge to drive with loving concern to my every destination offering each travel hour to You in a spirit of reparation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, my auto companion, have mercy on me. Amen

from (my online prayer collection for all to use)

my Mother my Confidence,
Always my last thought. Everynight I go through and pray for the things that are closest to my heart, God being one of them… Sometimes my first thought, but probably not often enough. I continue to struggle with getting up early to take time to just be with God, like read the bible or pray. This is a major weakness for me.
The last thought, yes…I usually fall asleep praying.

My :o first thought when I wake up is that the 😦 cat has got to stop waking me up every day by sitting on me…
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