Does God Reveal this in private revelation?

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Alright, I’ve been wondering this for a while actually. Basically, I see numerous videos with people claiming that through prophetic visions and locutions from God, God/other people from Heaven like Mary told them when the End of the world is/that the End of the world is near, and that the Antichrist is coming very very soon, things like that. Obviously I can’t mention the certain private revelation but in general if anyone can answer my question as to if God reveals if the end of the world is near or coming soon.
No, he does not reveal things like this. Do not waste time watching videos like that. Find some Catholic things to watch instead.
How do we know he doesn’t reveal things like this? Because I’m suffering from anxiety over these type of things
How do we know he doesn’t reveal things like this? Because I’m suffering from anxiety over these type of things
But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. – Mark 13:32
If Jesus himself didn’t know, people on the Internet aren’t going to know either.
Yea I know this, but they’re saying they’ve received it from prophetic visions and locutions, doesn’t this have more credibility? This is what I’ve been struggling with
Well let’s say that Jesus and the virgin Mary have appeared or given revelations to mystics that are approved by the Church.
But the many prophecies for our time aren’t about the antichrist but the coming chastisement from God and the complete restauration of the Church and the world. (before the era of peace and the rise of the anti christ)
And this is coming very soon !
But yeah, I’d say we are in the end times. That’s for sure.
What do you mean I’d say we’re in the end times for sure? I though we don’t know?
Nor does it make them false.

Private revelation is something that happens in our world. You don’t have to believe it, but it doesn’t make these things false, you should be careful though.
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“End Times”

We’ve been in the end times since the Incarnation. Please read Hebrews 1:1-2.

Please don’t have anxiety over this, when it happens it’ll happen and it’ll be a very good thing, as a matter of fact, we should all be prepared for this even if it’s very difficult.
Anyone (and i mean ANYONE) claiming that they know when the Second Coming will occur, or the antichrist, or whatever doesn’t know, as Our Lord Himself directly stated that the ONLY one who knows when this will occur is the Father. Anyone claiming that they’ve received visions knowing about the Second Coming are either lying, mentallly ill, or deluded by Satan.
Jesus said no man. Period. If someone claims they know when the end will come, they are a liar, plain and simple. Pray for them and go on with your life. We should all be more concerned with our own end and meeting with God than the world’s end.
Do you promise with 100% certainty that God doesn’t give visions about when the end will occur. Please answer I’m having a panic attack
I’m as certain as a human being can ever be when it comes to matters of God about this issue. Someone would NEVER receive visions from the Lord with when the End Times will occur because that is literally directly stated by Our Lord in Scripture - that’s as certain as you can be about an issue! Please, don’t doubt in the words of Our Lord, be calm and lean on Him for everything.
When you have time, pray the rosary. You will be a force for good in the world by praying the rosary. When you are anxious, you aren’t helping anyone, including yourself.

It’s like a guy who says once I have a drink, I seem to keep drinking and there’s no stopping. It’s a smart plan for that guy not to drink at all. Don’t make your anxiety worse by listening to this stuff.
Do not focus on knowing when the end is, focus on God.
‘He who loves God with all his heart does not fear death or punishment or judgment or hell, because perfect love assures access to God.’ - The Imitation of Christ
The main thing we should be concerned about is to let Our Lord Jesus Christ sanctify us with prayer and the sacraments. We need to be ready for our death, whenever that will be, at all times…death is the stepping stone to eternal life with the Lord! Extraordinary happiness forever!

It is good to be with others who are like-minded about the faith. The Lord loves us infinitely. Our Blessed Mother Mary truly is our Mother, given to us at the foot of the cross. The rosary and meditations on the mysteries draws us closer to the Lord. He wants us to have his peace and strength on our spiritual journey.

Your parish may have a bible study or other kinds of meetings going on that you may like to attend.
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