We are told God has a plan for each of our lives. I believe this strongly, and that the decisions you make either forward that plan or they take us away from it. What I am wondering is, if I make a whole bunch of decisions that lead me in a different direction, does God adapt His plan for where I am, or does the plan remain the same? And, even if I am going in the right direction, presumably others are not. Does His plan for me change as others deviate from theirs, assuming all of these plans are somehow integrated? I guess the point is, no matter how “in tune” I am, can I ever really be knowledgeable of my plan? And can I be confident that if I do what I’m supposed to and live according to God’s plan, that it will be the “right thing” in the end, depending on what others do?
I’m not having a crisis of faith, or anything. I just got to thinking and these are some questions that arose.
I’m not having a crisis of faith, or anything. I just got to thinking and these are some questions that arose.