Does the Akita prophesy indicate that Noah's flood was a local event

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Our Lady of Akita prophesied that a coming chastisement would be “greater than the deluge”. Does that indicate that Noah’s flood was not world wide ? The following (non-Catholic) site makes a good case that Noah’s flood was a local event: The Genesis Flood: Why the Bible Says It Must be Local

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before.”
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I think 'greater ’ means worse. I heard somewhere that in the time of the flood, people had time to repent as the water level rose, but that during a ’ fire falling from heaven ’ type of event
the catastrophe would be almost instantaneous
I seem to remember seeing a theory somewhere that the Mediterranean was once mostly dry and that the flood described in the Bible took place when through some cataclysm, the Gibraltar Strait opened up and the Atlantic poured into the Mediterranean.

So I looked it up, there is evidence the Mediterranean went dry, but it looks like this took place long before the early biblical era of history.
Interesting. Do you a source that corroborates that meaning/translation?

If “worse” than Noah’s flood, then why did she say that “only” a great part of humanity would be wiped out?

It might make sense if Mary was measuring in terms of physical damage, but I would expect her to measure in terms of the damage to human lives. Unless we have misunderstood it, Noah’s flood wiped out 99.9% of all humans.
Thanks for responding, but that sounds like a question of geology. I am trying to understand what our Lady of Akita meant by “greater than the deluge” and why she refers to a “great part of Humanity”. Perhaps she is referring to the physical damage to the Earth this time since humans are more spread out.

As an aside, many geologists have corroborated a major flood event around the Black Sea: Black Sea deluge hypothesis - Wikipedia
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