Does the Church have a list of non profit organizations we should stay clear of?

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I would state ones like Freemasonry and Planned Parenthood are easy to know.
However I am in the KoC but also the Lions Club and donate to certain non profits who seem to be good however I am not sure where all of the money is going. Some have even told me the Lions Club gives to organizations that don’t adhere to Catholic teachings.
Just was curious as I obviously don’t want to be contributing to non profits who don’t share what the Church teaches.
If you’re worried about it I’d say the easiest thing to do would be to limit your giving to only Catholic organizations. I doubt there is a list of non-profits you shouldn’t donate to out there.

Between Catholic Charities, CRS, and your local parish, there’s plenty of good places to give.
It’s always good to check where and what your donation is going to. My wife and I tend to give to local food banks and the church only.
I don’t know if the Church does. However, there is an organization called Life Decisions International ( that put out a list of companies and non-profits that support Planned Parenthood. To get the complete listing, one must order their booklet.

According to LDI’s 2018 booklet, Lions do support PP.

Donating to local organizations has the advantage that you can see where the money is going. If the local food bank or homeless shelter is caring for people in need, they’re probably not passing their donations on to other organizations that you might not support. If donating to national or international organizations you might consider those run by Catholic groups.
Now if I know they support that is it a sin to remain in the organization? I mean we do a lot of good stuff too for charity…
Not long after beginning his pontificate Pope Francis told an event he went through once. He was offered a large donation to build a library for the community he ran as a bishop. The condition was that in that library there had to be books about same sex relationships. He said no.
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I would say though that just because a group is claimed to be Catholic doesn’t mean that they are good or that they are, in fact, in line with the Church’s teachings.
Sure, but consider that many chapters of Catholic Charities have the Bishop on the Board of Trustees. I think it’s safe to donate to them.
I think that this something that you should discuss with a priest. You and he together can better discern your particular situation.

For me, I don’t think that I would since I would view that some of the money that I was helping to raise was going to PP and for me that is a non- starter. I read an explanation concerning something similar to this in this way: if it was the 1940s in Germany and there was a concert to help war orphans- would you go to the concert if you knew that say 10% of the money would go to run the Dauchu death camp?

Of course, if you stayed in the organization would you be able to effect some change away from the donation to PP? That would be helpful too.

I will pray for your discerning the course you need to follow.

There are lists published by non-profits that others can provide. I have seen them passed around by some of my hardcore Catholic friends.

I don’t have sites, because I have my charities that I like. Keep responding and someone will help you.
Just a word of advice, from trying to do this sort of thing with my spouse, it can be quite hard to separate what you do and don’t like in charitable or socially responsible organizations. I’ve also see first hand when the restrictions donors can place on aid organizations leads to not so optimal results. To some degree you have to give those directly involved some leeway.
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