Does the Church pay for parish priests' utility bills, insurance and so on?

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I know (I think!) that a parish priest’s housing is paid for/supplied by the diocese. How about utilities, food stipend, insurance, retirement, vacations or any other thing? I know priests get a salary, but what else is provided by the diocese? I was just curious.
I know (I think!) that a parish priest’s housing is paid for/supplied by the diocese. How about utilities, food stipend, insurance, retirement, vacations or any other thing? I know priests get a salary, but what else is provided by the diocese? I was just curious.
Not usually vacations. Diocesan priests normally get a salary, housing, utilities, groceries, health insurance, and retirement insurance from the parish in which they are assigned. Sometimes they also get a car allowance and a clothing stipend for clericals. It depends on the diocese.
On our Archdiocese, they have to buy their own vehicles, but they get the advantage of fleet insurance.
I know (I think!) that a parish priest’s housing is paid for/supplied by the diocese. How about utilities, food stipend, insurance, retirement, vacations or any other thing? I know priests get a salary, but what else is provided by the diocese? I was just curious.
In our diocese, the parish pays the priest’s salary. Utilities and food are provided by the parish but it’s calculated as part of his income and income tax is deducted for “room & board”.

In our parish, though not in all, the diocese has provided the priest with a car. I think that’s because he’s a religious priest on loan from a religious order - last time we had religious priests serving our area it was in their contract that the diocese would provide them with a car. So insurance is paid by the diocese, other car expenses by the parish. In parishes where they have a diocesan priest, he owns his vehicle and pays all expenses and the parish provides a car allowance.

If he’s diocesan his vacations are at this own expense. When the priest was religious, part of the contract was that the parish paid for two trips a year to the provincial house.

Some priests serve as military chaplains and when they retire they get the normal military pension.
. . . :bible1: . . .
do not forget;
for by this some,
being not aware of it,
have entertained angels.”
- Hebrews 13:2

+When our family lived in the middle of the country . . . while doing some work at the large and busy Catholic Charities facility . . . I discovered that it contained not only offices, a beautiful chapel where the Holy Pray:signofcross:er of the Mass was said each morning, and meeting rooms . . . but also two fully equipped . . . very comfortable . . . apartments for priests in our diocese to live in . . . should they choose to do so . . .

In the city where we now live . . . waaaay out west here . . . one of our larger churches had a group of several ground floor condominiums built on the land among the trees behind their church . . . which provide housing for several of our retired diocesan priests . . .

Provisions for utility bills, insurance, etc., are generally carefully itemized and spelled out in legal agreements prior to occupancy . . . *which is just common-sense good business practice * . . . and which provide clear reasonable expectations regarding the responsibilities of all concerned . . .

A generous church I worked in down south for several years, had purchased three houses close to the church . . . two of which were used for missionaries on sabbaticals . . . the third was for legal refugee families sponsored by church members for use while they got settled in our area and found work and housing . . . and our wonderfully kind and friendly church members supplied everything right down to stocking the pantries, fresh milk, eggs, vegetables etc. in the refridgerator, and fresh baked bread and breakfast pastries on the kitchen table . . . all made ready to welcome the arrival of each of our guests with whom we had been blessed with the opportunity to have visit and stay with us for a time . . . :hug3: , , ,

. . . all for Jesus+
. . . thank you Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Ang:angel1:els+​
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