Does the human race have a Warrior Class?

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Is there such a thing as having the Nature of a Warrior, or is this just a mental construct.
I have read in this book that a small percentage, like 2%, of the population is able to fight in wars, honorably and effectively, killing when necessary, without post-traumatic stress or other long-term disorders. After the war, they return home and resume their normal lives with peace in their hearts. Maybe they are the hidden warrior class.
I feel it might just be a mental construct, but what about the fact that we all have a calling in life. Some have a calling to become priests for example.
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God has a plan for all of us, and gives us the necessary blessings and talents to fulfill what he tasks us with. For some this could well be being a warrior, as we know that God has often made use of warriors to further His will in the past.

So yes, there is such a thing as having “the nature of a warrior”, just like someone might be inclined to being a caretaker, or teacher, or priest or any vocation. You’re probably not going to be born with all the traits of a perfect warrior, though, so life experience matters in this regard like everything else.
A bit of a side note, but your comment reminded me of this excellent video about natural soldiers:

That is an excellent and informative video. The ending is a bit abrupt; I expected him to say more about the psychological cost of killing, PTSD and such. The book I cited and linked above goes into this in detail.
I believe that being a warri believe so and I also believe that being a warrior has a lot more to do with ones heart, mind and pirit before anything physical. In my opinion, I believe that one does not have to be physically fit or have a certain body type or tactical or combat knowledge or experience to be a warrior although very helpful and definitely crucial in terms of combat, skills, knowledge and experience can be attained and learned later but the first and foremost attribute to a warrior in my mind is a warrior spirit and mentality of willingness to stand up and fight for what they believe in and for what they believe is right. Whatever their beliefs or sense of morality, they are willing to stand and fight for it no matter how small or inexperienced they may be.
I think the greatest battlefield exists within ourselves.
As St. Paul says we are struggling with powers that are not of this earth. Our hearts and minds are the battlefields and our souls are at stake.

Battlefields do not only occur on the physical plane but also on the spiritual plane. That is why priests can also become warriors.

This is why the Church on earth is called the Church militant.
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