I apologize, as I know that there have many discussions on the matter of extraterrestrial life and intelligence, and I’ve seen a few asked with regard to the Fall, but I’ve not quite seen the question posed this way.
Essentially, if we hold that Jesus was both fully man and fully God, and that He rose to Heaven bodily, how would that effect the possibility of a hypothetically fallen species on another planet? Is it theologically allowable that the Logos could incarnate as several Christs who are both fully God and fully corporeal respective to each hypothetical species? Or does our theology of the Incarnation exclude the possibility of a Vulcan Christ, Klingon Christ, Ferengi Christ who all fully God—fully the Logos—but each also uniquely only fully their own species, a la sub-trinitarian multi-aspected oneness?
Essentially, if we hold that Jesus was both fully man and fully God, and that He rose to Heaven bodily, how would that effect the possibility of a hypothetically fallen species on another planet? Is it theologically allowable that the Logos could incarnate as several Christs who are both fully God and fully corporeal respective to each hypothetical species? Or does our theology of the Incarnation exclude the possibility of a Vulcan Christ, Klingon Christ, Ferengi Christ who all fully God—fully the Logos—but each also uniquely only fully their own species, a la sub-trinitarian multi-aspected oneness?