Does the internet/chatrooms encourage adultery

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Dear friends

Does the internet encourage adultery, make it easier, create a great temptation?

I have made a poll but I think there should be more options.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

Ready for the “Guns dont kill people, Poeople kill people” fact…same applies here.

The internet is a tool that can do nothing without the user. If someone can’t control thier desires, then dont have internet access.
Like any other abuse[drugs, food, porn, fishing**, or anything for that matter which is taken into excess], if you cant moderated it, don’t be active in it.

**if anyone responds about the fishing example, i’ll pray for you since you have obviously missed my entire point, and are definately a “fish-0-holic” and in denial :D]

Does the Internet/chatrooms encourage adultry?
**NO^238387478484 + 1 more than you can ever say + infinity and beyond.

**Only people can sin.

“The devil made me do it” argument will not work, we’ve tried that.:rolleyes:
Ready for the “Guns dont kill people, Poeople kill people” fact…same applies here.

The internet is a tool that can do nothing without the user. If someone can’t control thier desires, then dont have internet access.
Like any other abuse[drugs, food, porn, fishing**, or anything for that matter which is taken into excess], if you cant moderated it, don’t be active in it.

**if anyone responds about the fishing example, i’ll pray for you since you have obviously missed my entire point, and are definately a “fish-0-holic” and in denial :D]

Does the Internet/chatrooms encourage adultry?
**NO^238387478484 + 1 more than you can ever say + infinity and beyond. **

Only people can sin.

“The devil made me do it” argument will not work, we’ve tried that.:rolleyes:
I have no problem with your fish example because I know a few fish-o-holics myself. However the porn example is one that I do have a problem with because their is no acceptable level of porn use! It is sinful every time you look at it!
Its actually weird. Adultry along with tons of other sins have been arounds since the begining of A&E. Some people act like its some new invention due to todays sinfull society. But its not, and todays soceity is no more sinfull then it was 100, 200 1000, 2000 years ago. Its just more visable and accessable now then before.

So the internet is a tool, the tool does not sin, the person sins. But I do agree it does allow more temptation to have adultry. Online sex is just as much as a sin as RL sex.
I have a close friend whose wife got involved in a chat room against his will and also against plenty of advice from friends and family. The results were predicitable and it caused great and lasting damage to their marriage of over 25 years. I personally have nothing to do with them nor do my wife and kids, I’ve gotten by with out them all my life and will continue do so. I just see them as another avenue for temptation and the risks out weigh the benefits.
No more so than the advent of publishing encouraged adultery. As with any tool, books, magazines, internet, and chat rooms are morally neutral. The sin is in misusing the medium.
I have factual evidence in my family that chat rooms can lead to adultery and later divorce.

Definitely a channel which can be abused by human frailty.
Like any other abuse[drugs, food, porn, fishing**, or anything for that matter which is taken into excess], if you cant moderated it, don’t be active in it…

“The devil made me do it” argument will not work, we’ve tried that.:rolleyes:
I think you are right about this. Anything to excess is bad for us. Except prayer probably.
I have factual evidence in my family that chat rooms can lead to adultery and later divorce.

Definitely a channel which can be abused by human frailty.
Correction, human weakness lead to adultry and later divorce. They were gonna happen, no matter what device or medium was used to make the “hook up”, if not the internet, then the bar, if not the bar, the work place, if not the workplace, the [list social gathering activity/place here].

If my wife were to meet someone on the internet, and cheat on me, I would definately not blame the internet.
If her and her “cheaterfriend” communicated through the USmail, would i be mad at the mailman? the USmail? no…absolutely not.
Either she is scum, or I drove her into the arms of another, and that is what her and i would have to figure out, and also, could the situation or marriage be resolved/saved, or is divorce/anulment the only option.

The internet is really in now way part of the problem.
All sin is the result of succumbing to temptation. Temptation is born of the desires of the heart.
Correction, human weakness lead to adultry and later divorce…
Thanks for the precision, but your other points confirm my conclusion.
Correction, human weakness lead to adultry and later divorce…
Thanks for the precision, but your other points confirm my conclusion.
I don’t think internet chatrooms encourage adultery any more than alcohol encourages drunkeness. It certainly provides the forum for the sin, but I don’t think that they’re inherently evil (unless you go to some sort of swingers or affair chatroom or something like that, which I’m sure there are those out there, too. Those and ones like them are set up for evil purposes.)

But, regarding temptation, we know the Bible says to flee from it. So, it would be prudent to avoid chatrooms so that we do not lose the struggle with our own concupiscence. Also, as I prepare to type some hypocritic words, spending aimless time on the Internet is a form of idleness, and fosters sloth.

(I voted for other) 😃
I have a close friend whose wife got involved in a chat room against his will and also against plenty of advice from friends and family. The results were predicitable and it caused great and lasting damage to their marriage of over 25 years. I personally have nothing to do with them nor do my wife and kids, I’ve gotten by with out them all my life and will continue do so. I just see them as another avenue for temptation and the risks out weigh the benefits.
I met my best friend online via chat. We have met each others families. Our kids love each other and email/write frequently. This friend is a woman. My wife likes her a lot too. I am so happy for chat/internet.
Whilst I will agree that it is the weakness of the human will that is the cause of adultery, I also believe that the temptation of certain kinds of chat rooms is overwhelming.

Like others have said, I have heard of marriages being ruined because of people using chat rooms. Some of these chat rooms encourage online sexual activity. This is adultery because it is the impure thoughts behind the activity. In one case that I heard about the couple had only been recently married when the wife discovered that her husband was resorting to this kind of behaviour. She divorced him very quickly and then moved from the location.

With regard to the fishing, and yes there are different types of fishing, I have come across one married woman who was in the habit of “fishing” for a relationship. She conducted this fishing on the board and it was really quite disgusting to witness the coquettish type messages that she was sending to a particular person (moderator) on that board, and then watching as she was slowly hooking him into getting into a physical relationship. She had already been married and divorced at least once, and the things she wrote about her husband was not what I call “kosher”. She even spoke about using sms messages to make contact with her fishing partners. That kind of behaviour is adultery. There was another person on the same board who left his wife for a woman that he met on the net. Again, the consequence of the behaviour is adultery. These are people who are deliberately going to these chat rooms in order to start up a new relationship with someone and the goal is to physically meet the other person.

On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with chatting with people of the opposite sex if the subject matter is above board. I communicate with quite a few members of the opposite sex over the internet, but not in chat rooms. The subject matter usually involves religion or something else of interest to myself and the other person. Of course some of these people are not Catholic and I hope that in the future I can say with certainty that my correspondence with the person has made a difference in their lives.

There are chat rooms where the express purpose is to have online sexual contact with another person. The act of adultery does not have to be purely physical, because it can also come from one’s thoughts.

On the other hand, chatting online with other men and women with like attitudes does not necessarily lead to adultery.

I have not had personal experience of this problem but I do know someone whose daughter had a very short marriage because her husband cheated on her via online activity.

They were gonna happen, no matter what device or medium was used to make the “hook up”, if not the internet, then the bar, if not the bar, the work place, if not the workplace, the[list social gathering activity/place here].
Garg - I agree with your general premise that people commit sin and that the inanimate object that facilitated the “hook up” is not to blame. But, I think you miss one important point. First, none of us are 100% resistent to temptation. Only part of our virtue is exercise of the will. Much of what keeps us virtuous is prevention.

Avoiding the occasion of sin is a critical ingredient to resisting serious sin. Sure, the guy who meets someone in a chatroom might have met someone elsewhere, but that’s not true of everyone. Access leads to temptation. Ready access leads to ready temptation. We can avoid the occasion of sin by the exercise of our will, but it can also be avoided by inaccessibility.

No more so than the advent of publishing encouraged adultery. As with any tool, books, magazines, internet, and chat rooms are morally neutral. The sin is in misusing the medium./QUOTE

I agree that the medium is neutral and the sin is commited by the user. I should clarify my previous post, No, chat rooms are not sinful nor is the internet when properly used. That having been said it is my observation that they should only be used in a very controlled context and with great care. I have seen many abuses of this medium and it is deceptivly dangerous to your salvation. Just like with guns or alcohol when used properly and responsably they are okay, but the danger lies very close to the surface and the line is easily crossed with dire results. My solution has been to do with out them.
I think so (disregarding the guns don’t kill people argument).

It allows a new discreet method of meeting people that ‘seems’ harmless but is quite a temptation.
I agree that it is a tool, but some tools are more dangerous than others. This is one of them.

I stay away from chatrooms. Because if you’ve ever been a young woman on ANY kind of chatroom, you’ll find you get A LOT of pm’s from guys trying to pressure you into talking dirty, and that ain’t right.

It’s like walking into a bar, which I don’t do either except the nice pubs where they have good fish and chips.
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