Remember the scripture that we are called to “Pray without ceasing”.
This is how it’s done friends. We attempt to have God on our minds - and unite our lives to His. We make our lives a living prayer connecting our lives to Heaven as best we can.
American’s are always on the go and that’s why the rosary is a perfect prayer for us. It’s a prayer we can literally put in our pockets and pull out whenever we can.
If you are attempting to make prayer and contemplation of Christ a part of your daily routine…then God bless you! He will and so will our Mother!
Also, remember.
The reason why the Church has, bells whistles, incense, beautiful art…why we have rituals, sing songs, have different movements like the sign of the cross or kneeling…these things help have an effect on the whole person (body, mind, spirit)…it appeals to our humanity and helps draw the whole person into prayer.
Someone who is working out and moving their heart and mind into a contemplative state…placing their soul before God as their body is doing motions can make a beautiful prayer to God because it’s their whole person effectively being moved by the Holy Spirit.
It can have the same spiritual effect as a person kneeling in silence alone contemplating on the mysteries of the rosary.
God bless