Does this seem superstitious to you?

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Tell me what you think of this site. It promises health and weath from a St Joseph medal (suggested donation $20)

Discover How this Miraculous Medal of St-Joseph Can Really Change Your Life for the Better in as little as 30 days
Admittedly, I didn’t read very much of that website, so they may be guilty of just poor presentation but. . .

Is it any wonder that some protestants accuse us of being superstitious at best, if not outright pagan?
It’s like this if you hop in three circle on one foot and say three Glory be’s you will get what you want.:rolleyes: That is abuse of sacramentals and sounds like magic and yes it is no wonder that non-Catholics can stumble on these things and finers will be pointing and tongues will be flapping.God Bless
Very curious website. I tried to click on “Our Mission” and “Events” and I kept getting an error page, instead of the site pages. That made me think the site is pretty questionable. I have never heard of a devotion to this medal before, but I do know of many people who pray to St Joseph, especially in Ireland. Very curious site, indeed. Thanks for the alert, WhiteDove!
I’d cut out the site all together. The site claims that the supposedly Miraculous St. Joseph Medal shall do these things, since it’s the most luckiest ever minted:
“Health problems will be a thing of the past.”
“You will soon receive unexpected amounts of money;”
“After so many years, luck will finally be on your side;”
Everything you have ever desired will fianlly become reality…"

And that St Joseph protects those in contact with the medal, that all the powers of St. Joseph are concentrated in the medal…


In order for it to work, you have to put your favours on their favour card, place the medal on it, read the phrase on it, and then wear it.

It speaks of the St. Joseph oratory, that many (millions) supposedly come there to have their wishes granted.

One can order it only through cash.

Many of the pages are missing, such as one for the Missions, for Taking a Tour through this oratory, the link to “Find out what else we do for you when receiving this e-mail.”

This site is a horrible and disgusting produce of money-makers who abuse the true loving intercession of St. Joseph. Our father is probably displeased with such mockery of His children. I would be too if one used the name of one of my children to promote a faulty witchcraft product.

Kevyn Scott Kateri Calanza Bello
The only sure thing is that you will be $20 richer, if you **DON’T ** send in the money.
I love St. Joseph! He’s one of the finest men God ever created. I hate hearing about people who bury statues of him when they want to sell their homes. That seems superstitious and practically pagan to me!

I like encouraging devotions to St. Joseph, but this website concerns me a bit. The request for cash donations in particular unsettles me. Like nightrider, I also got “errors” when trying to access several pages.

If anyone out there wants a St. Joseph medal, I’m sure you can find them at a local Catholic bookstore for much cheaper. (If you must spend $20, why not drop the rest in the donation box and light a candle?)

And if you have a statue of St. Joseph, please display it in a place of honor!
Poor St. Joseph is buried in many yards of people trying to sell their homes. I agree that this type of behavior sets us back, when we try to explain the Communion of Saints to non-Catholics. We are all called to reject superstition and urge others to do likewise.

Have a Holy Lent,
Deacon Tony
this is so sacriligeous and superstitious, makes me wonder if this is a spurious site set up by someone out to demonstrate how evil our practice of honoring saints and striking their medals is.
That site said the ST. Joseph medal will make a change in you life in less than 30 days.

It said THE MEDAL will make the change! Sorry, but yes that is superstition.

A number of years ago in California a wealthy surgeon was retiring and had sunk his savings into a 40 acre horse farm. He buried quite a number of St. Jude medals all over that farm to insure success. At the time I thought he was a good Catholic. But maybe he wasn’t, I don’t know. He was showing a profit the last time I heard.
I love St. Joseph! He’s one of the finest men God ever created. I hate hearing about people who bury statues of him when they want to sell their homes. That seems superstitious and practically pagan to me!

I like encouraging devotions to St. Joseph, but this website concerns me a bit. The request for cash donations in particular unsettles me. Like nightrider, I also got “errors” when trying to access several pages.

If anyone out there wants a St. Joseph medal, I’m sure you can find them at a local Catholic bookstore for much cheaper. (If you must spend $20, why not drop the rest in the donation box and light a candle?)

And if you have a statue of St. Joseph, please display it in a place of honor!
I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Now, about getting errors off of Web pages – that can happen for any number of reasons.

One of which is that whomever coded the HTML for that site made a simple typing mistake.

Another is that the page to which that link was supposed to take you was taken down, altogether, on purpose – possibly to be replaced with another page. Possibly, not.

It has more to do with the nature of a Web site put up by a non-techie, or unprofessional techie. Or a professional techie who hasn’t had someone else – like an editor – check their coding for broken links.

Has nothing to do with THAT particular site’s content. This can happen with ANY Web site.

Now… as for the content of that site – it’s a veritible shame that people put credence in anybody but God, Himself, for favors.

All the saints can do (and our Blessed Mother) is to put our requests forward to God for God to make His own choice for what He’s going to do about it.

Medals or any sacramental are NOT magic! Having said this, I just gotta say that it still IS a good thing to ask the saints and especially our Blessed Mother to pray for us!!

Just don’t give a sacramental, like a medal – even if it’s blessed – credit for supposedly havig magical powers! That’s heresy!!
Tell me what you think of this site. It promises health and weath from a St Joseph medal (suggested donation $20)

Discover How this Miraculous Medal of St-Joseph Can Really Change Your Life for the Better in as little as 30 days
What did Saint Peter say to the cripple, Peter had no money to give the man, this medal seems to border on idolatry.

Did Jesus ask for money to heal ?
Acts Chapter 3

3:6. But Peter said: Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk.
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