Doing away gifts?

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Hi all,

I don’t know if this is the right place to put it, but I have a question about doing away gifts:

Is it ok to do away gifts you have received from other people (for example for your birthday)? Or is that just very rude and insulting (assuming the person will know)?

What if a person is irritated that you want to do away things you have received from him and says to you that he had spent a lot of money and time to give you those things? Thanks!

If you mean by doing away giving away, then I’d say it can be hurtful when you buy someone something and they just give it away.

How would you feel? I think it would be far better to keep presents if they’ve been given to you recently but if they are causing clutter and /or they were given to you a long time ago then perhaps you could ask the benefactor if they’d mind if you gave them away, explaining why maybe.

It might be a good idea to let people know that you don’t want presents in the first place if that’s how you feel.
Yes the giver has expressed irritation. The giver said she was upset because she spent a lot of money and time on it and I was thinking of doing it away because I have too much clutter… She finds it morally not ok for me to do that because she spent money and time on it…We are talking about normal household things. For example plates and other normal stuff…
When I give someone a gift,it is theirs to do with as they please.

They may use it, give it away, sell it, burn it in a fire or toss it in the river.

If you have an item that was gifted to you and the gift giver will be hurt that you give it away, then, give it back to them.
If this is part of a bigger issue then I’m sorry if my original reply sounded harsh to you. Please accept my apologies.

Years ago my own mother gave me presents from time to time. Sometimes they were not to my taste at all but I felt I had to keep them for sentimental reasons and to prevent causing her offence. That said she didn’t inundate me with presents and if she had I would have had to have a difficult conversation with her. I need to look after my own home and have it as I want it myself, that’s a given.

Perhaps you could ask her to just give you groceries or food, consumables which won’t become a permanent burden to you. When we love with purity of heart we care for the other person not ourselves, maybe remind her of this.
God bless.
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