Domestic Church

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How do you employ the ideals of the Domestic Church in our home?
I am participating in FAMILIA (a lay apostolate of Regnum Chrisit) webiste addy

We study the Gospel for the following Sunday and choose a concrete action based on our discussion. An example is to support the culture of life we would smile at all pregnant women, babies and little children. (Simple, but fun)

We have a systematic Catechism and then we study Papal Documents from the Theology of the Body. First year mother’s have Familiaris Consortio.

This group really helped figure out ways to bring our faith to life at home. We have a part time devotion area – prayer table. My husband and I are visible in our prayer lives. We stress character development and morals. We discuss various behaviors of others and what we think might be better choices.

When we fail at being charitable in speech, we go to confession. Our son is either tag-teamed or stays home with the other parent.

We don’t do a lot of crafts and things like that. Our son who is just six doesn’t much care for that. He will however, talk abut spiritual ideas with us.

Since we had a daughter die almost four years ago, Christopher has had a different kind of catechism and that has perhaps made a great difference in him.

I posed the question because I heavly employ the Domestic Church concept in the Pre-Cana classes my husband and I lead. We begin our sessions with a general discussion of sacramnetal theology and specific discussion on the theology of marriage. We give a general overview of Domestic Church and in the following sessions relate it to all the relationship issues we cover.

One of the examples I use is the Five Models of the Church Avery Dullus put forth and then relate these Models to family life. It sounds complicated, but it really is not.

I was wondering what specific methods some you Catholic families use to establish and maintain a Domestic Church in the home. Mamamull gave some very good examples. I am also wondering if those of you who have gone through Pre-Cana (last five years, or so) were taught the concept of the Domestic Church, and if it had influenced your family life.

Family prayer and education of the children are very important. Also important is the bringing of Catholic values to the larger community. Do any of you have any specific examples of how you accomplish that ideal?

Pax et Bonum!
I am a new mom and mewly married so I am not sure how to explain what we are doing, but I know that I was help extensively by Kimberly Hahn’s “Life Giving Love”!!! Scott Hahn’s “First comes Love” is a book my husband would also recommend:D 👍 :gopray2:
babysitting new grandchild, think I will start burning incense, I’d forgotten how much they can stink
Well my husband and I are childless unfortunately. Hopefully someday we will have a child or perhaps adopt one. Anyway we do practice domestic church despite no children. We teach NFP to other couples. We are on the adult ed committee together at church. We have a LOT of Jesus and Mary pictures around the house. We say the Rosary together almost daily. We go to catechism class together every Sunday. I have a recipe book from I think Ignatius press called Cooking with the Saints where through it we can have feast days throughout the year that commemorate the liturgical year. I have kids over at times to do crafts or play games. I have taken alot of ideas from to help me come up with some ideas - mostly child related games and crafts to remind us of the liturgical year yet I just look at my husband as a big kid and practice on him. 😃

I have had an altar in my home commemorating the liturgical season. Also we’ve had our house blessed and Jesus and Mary enthroned over our home and my husband as head of the household.
I have had an altar in my home commemorating the liturgical season.
I just read an article on this and love the idea. How big is it? Is it basically a shelf mounted to the wall and clothed and decorated?
You got the picture. Go to and they have some ideas, but most of their ideas are for little kids but that’s ok (and we don’t have any but we are kids at heart). You see we’re having a big party with lots of people and I got rid of the ‘cheese’ out of our home especially since we don’t have kids. All we had was a piece of construction paper - green for ordinary time with I forgetmaybe a cross on it over our fireplace mantle. During lent we have purple with a cross, advent - pink with an angel blowing a trumpet, christmas - gold with a crown, easter - gold with a dove I think. I’ll have to think of another way to do it without the ‘cheese factor’. But I don’t want to spend a lot of money either. On our mantle we have our wedding pictures and other family photos and a ‘God bless our home’ framed thing. Eventually we might get a large twin hearts picture over the mantle instead - our Lord and Lady were enthroned using a smaller one and my husband was enthroned as head of the household but that is on a smaller wall unfortunately because it is so small.

I still have the construction paper, I just moved it. Also during advent we have at least 2 creches (one on the breakfast table and one on the dining room table and one in the living room) well its kinda easy with just 2 people. And during Lent I cover up the crucifixes in purple (I wanted to cover up all the religious stuff but then the whole house would be purple - and my husband doesnt want a purple house! 😃 Then on Easter vigil we play I think Handles Messiah or something like that and we uncover all the crucifixes and attach silk lillies to the bottom of them with brown pipe cleaners - I love that! We have some other traditions at Christmas that all stem from Domestic Church and the website I mentioned but that’s it all and all. Thanks for asking.
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