I am participating in FAMILIA (a lay apostolate of Regnum Chrisit) webiste addy
We study the Gospel for the following Sunday and choose a concrete action based on our discussion. An example is to support the culture of life we would smile at all pregnant women, babies and little children. (Simple, but fun)
We have a systematic Catechism and then we study Papal Documents from the Theology of the Body. First year mother’s have Familiaris Consortio.
This group really helped figure out ways to bring our faith to life at home. We have a part time devotion area – prayer table. My husband and I are visible in our prayer lives. We stress character development and morals. We discuss various behaviors of others and what we think might be better choices.
When we fail at being charitable in speech, we go to confession. Our son is either tag-teamed or stays home with the other parent.
We don’t do a lot of crafts and things like that. Our son who is just six doesn’t much care for that. He will however, talk abut spiritual ideas with us.
Since we had a daughter die almost four years ago, Christopher has had a different kind of catechism and that has perhaps made a great difference in him.