Dominicans -- General Site

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I was kind of looking forward to several links to lesser known Dominican communities for St. Dominic’s feast day. Your links are always so interesting.

Something I learned about today is the Angelic Warfare Confraternity.
Thank you for the complement. I always do try to find the more obscure communities by following the saints’ calendar. There are a couple of foreign-language vocational blogs who feature “obscure” communities. I had a migraine all day yesterday, and was blessed to be able to post the one general link.

Here is the Confraternity’s website:

The St. Cecilia Dominicans enroll their postulants in the confraternity. My emerging charism will be requiring the same.
I wonder, is the confraternity open to married people? After all, we are required to live chastely as well.
I’m married, and am needing to do this as part of my membership with the CAMM- Dr. St. Gianna’s Assistants for Life (DGAL), one of our “third orders” of Dominican spirituality under our Vincentian umbrella. CAMM-DGAL members who are on the religious life track hope to start a new community dedicated to the Holy Innocents & St. Gianna Molla. The physician saint was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Her feast is on the Vincentian calendar.

But, back to your original question – yes, I believe married folk are permitted to join, as well.
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